Independence Hall Association
U.s. History: The Berlin Airlift and Nato
President Harry Truman was determined to contain the Soviet sphere of influence in Europe. See how the United States and Great Britain stood up to Stalin's attempt to take over West Berlin by blockading access to the city. Understand why...
World War 1 Great War Society: Doughboy Center: Second Army: Members of the Aef
Included are articles about the history and the men in the Second Army who were a part of the American Expeditionary Force. Included is an article about Harry Truman and his service in World War I, as well as some other well-known names,...
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Fdr and World War Ii
Discusses how Franklin D. Roosevelt guided the United States through World War II and laid the groundwork for Harry Truman to assume the role after his death.
Pbs: American Experience: The Presidents
This site from the PBS "The Presidents" provides detailed biographies of several of the most popular or most infamous U.S. presidents throughout history. Selected presidents include Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S Truman, Lyndon...
University of Houston
University of Houston: The Taft Hartley Act: Labor Management Relations Act
Find the complete text of the Taft-Hartley Act, also known as the Labor Management Relations Act of 1947, which severely restricted the activities of labor unions. Vetoed by President Truman, the veto was overcome, so it became a law.
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum: Events Leading to Blockade of West Berlin
Details on how the Marshall Plan was the major event that led to the blockade of West Berlin by the Soviets.
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Harry S. Truman Library & Museum: Three Branches of Government
Interactive teaching unit for Grades 5-8 that helps to explain the three branches of government and the the balance of power. Topics covered include balance of government, how a bill becomes a law, the amendment process, the Legislative...
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum: Prohibition and the Constitution [Pdf]
Offers a lesson plan through which students create cartoons illustrating the reasons behind Prohibition and the repeal of Prohibition. It provides links to sources, student handouts, and a scoring rubric.
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Harry S. Truman Library: The Marshall Plan
This is a list of the actual documents with correspondence concerning the Marshall Plan.
University of Groningen
American History: Outlines: The Fair Deal
Overview of the successful and failed domestic policies and social reforms of President Harry S. Truman's Fair Deal following WWII.
Temple University: Henry Wallace
Background information on why Harry Truman called for Henry Wallace's resignation as Secretary of Commerce.
US Department of State
Biographies of Secretaries of State: Edward Reilly Stettinius Jr., 1900 1949
Brief biography of Edward Stettinius, Jr. whe served as Secretary of State under Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman, overseaing the end of World War II and the creation of the United Nations.
American Presidency Project
American Presidency Project: Veto of the Taft Hartley Labor Bill
Primary source document of President Truman's veto of the Taft-Hartley Labor Bill, 1947.
Smithsonian Institution
National Museum of American History: American Presidency: Harry S. Truman
Brief biographical sketch of America's thirty-third president includes background information on the era in which he served and linked-to objects from the Smithsonian's collections that help define the man and his presidency.
270 To Win
270towin: 1948 Presidential Election
Provides detailed electoral facts for the presidential election of 1948 won by Harry Truman in a surprise victory considered by many one of the greatest election upsets in American history.
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum: Marshall Plan
Excerpts from an interview with George C. Marshall concerning the Marshall Plan. Questions are also supplied to assist in expansion of knowledge about the topics.
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Harry S. Truman Library: The U. S. Recognizes Israel: Historical Background
Provides the background for why Britain finally turned Palestine over to the United Nations to solve the problem of an Israeli state. Click on hyperlink to access a timeline of events.
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Harry S. Truman Library & Museum: The Berlin Airlift
Contains background information about the Berlin airlift as well as links to other pages with information concerning this event.
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Harry S. Truman Library & Museum: Checks and Balances
Descriptions of the separate powers and functions of the three branches of the federal government. Site explains how the powers of one branch check and balance those of another.
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Harry S. Truman Library & Museum: Three Branches of Our Government
This slide and the six that follow it (use the advance button near the bottom of the screen) offer an explanation of each of the three branches of government and the duties they perform, including discussion of the tensions arising from...
Library of Congress
Loc: African American Odyssey: Part 1 of the Civil Rights Era: Desegregation
Photos, cartoons and text sum up the post war period and efforts to fight segregation in the military by President Truman.
University of Oklahoma
Oklahoma University Law: Germany's Surrender Papers
This site contains the text of the papers that Germany signed to accept defeat, ending World War II in Europe. It also includes the text of President Harry S. Truman's proclamation of the end of the war in Europe.
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum
Harry S. Truman Library and Museum: Un Resolution 181: 1947 Partition
The map shows the partition of Israel according to UN Resolution 181 in 1947.
US Navy
Naval Historical Center: The Potsdam Conference, July August 1945
This is a brief summary with pictures of the Potsdam Conference.
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