Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Introduction to China
Much of China, a country slightly larger than the continental United States, is hilly or mountainous. To its east lies the Pacific Ocean; to its south thick jungles. Mountains in the southwest connect in the west with the Himalayas,...
Cynthia J. O'Hora
Mrs. O's House: Sheets Island Archipelago
The city of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania and Central Pennsylvania Conservancy are deciding who should own a small island in the Susquehanna River, deeded to the city by it's original inhabitant, James McCormick, in 1912 under the conditions...
Library of Congress
Loc: Map Collections 1500 2002
This collection provides maps dating back to 1500 up to the present. The collection includes: cities, towns, discovery and exploration, conservation and environment, military battles, cultural landscapes, transportation, communication,...