Curated OER

Etc: The Growth of the United States, 1776 1867

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States showing the growth of the nation from 1776-1867. The map is color-coded to show the thirteen original states, the territory acquired by conquest during the revolution and the Treaty of 1783, the Louisiana...
Curated OER

Etc: The Louisiana Purchase, 1803 1809

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States and the Louisiana Territory showing boundary disputes and boundary claims between 1763 and 1809. The map shows the natural boundaries and extent of the original Louisiana Territory claimed by the French, the...
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: The United States, 1800

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States in 1800 showing the original thirteen states with the additions of Vermont (1791), Kentucky (1792), and Tennessee (1796), the State claims to western lands by South Carolina and Georgia, the extent of the...
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Oregon Controversy, 1792 1846

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the Oregon Territory between the time of exploration by George Vancouver (1792) and the Oregon Treaty of 1846. The map is color-coded to show the disputed claims of the British and United States, the Russian American line of...
Curated OER

Etc: The United States of America, 1783 1853

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States showing the growth of the nation from 1776-1853. This map is coded to show the thirteen original states, and the territories acquired in 1783, by the Louisiana Purchase in 1803, the northern territories, West...
Curated OER

Etc: Maps Etc: The Result of the Missouri Compromise, 1821

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States in 1821 showing the results of the Missouri Compromise of 1820 over the issue of prohibition of slavery. The map is coded to show the areas of the Free States, the Slave States, the Michigan Territory as Free...
Curated OER

Etc: Maps Etc: The Slavery Prohibition Compromise of 1850, 1850

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of California, the Utah Territory, and the New Mexico Territory in 1850 showing the effect of the Compromise of 1850, a series of bills intending to settle the issue of slavery and abolition raised in the territories after the...
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: United States, 1801

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States in 1801. The map is color-coded to show the States and territory of the United States west to the Mississippi River, the British territories of Upper and Lower Canada, Rupert's Land, and the Bahamas, the French...
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: United States, 1845

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States in 1845 after the Louisiana Purchase, the Lewis and Clark Expedition, and the annexation of Texas. The map is color-coded to show the States and territory of the United States west to the Pacific with the dates...
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Compromise of 1850, 1850

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States showing the effects of the Compromise of 1850. The map is keyed to show the free states and slave states, and notes California admitted to the Union as a free state; the Nebraska Territory as free by the...
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Trade and Migration, 1840 1850

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States showing the principal trade and westward migration routes between 1840 and 1850. The map shows state and territory boundaries at the time, major cities, ports, outposts, forts, and settlements, rivers, mountain...
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: The Louisiana Purchase, 1803

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the Louisiana territory purchased from France in 1803, and the boundary established with the western Spanish territory by the purchase. The map overlays the current State boundaries to show the extent of the territory.
Curated OER

Etc: The Louisiana Purchase, 1865 1898

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the Louisiana territory purchased from France in 1803, and the boundary established with the western Spanish territory by the purchase. The map overlays the current State boundaries to show the extent of the territory.
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: The Missouri Compromise, 1820

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States at the time of the Missouri Compromise of 1820. The map is keyed to show the free states by State Action, the free Northwest Territory by the Ordinance of 1787, the free territory north of the Compromise Line,...
Curated OER

Etc: Slavery and Slave Trade, 1830 1850

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States during the period of 1850 to 1850 showing the effects of slavery, the slave trade, and the abolition movement on territorial development. The map uses colored patterns to indicate the areas and phases of...
Curated OER

Etc: Slavery and the Slave Trade, 1830 1850

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States during the period of 1850 to 1850 showing the effects of slavery, the slave trade, and the abolition movement on territorial development. The map uses colored patterns to indicate the areas and phases of...
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: West Florida, 1803 1819

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the disputed territory of West Florida showing the United States claim after the Louisiana Purchase (1803) and President Madison's annexation (1810) from the Mississippi River to the Pearl River, the occupation to the Perdido...
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: The War of 1812, 1812 1814

For Students 9th - 10th
A series of maps showing the principal regions, campaigns, forts, and battle sites of the War of 1812, including: the northern seat of war in southern Canada, New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and the Michigan Territory; the vicinity of...
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Texas Annexation, 1845

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of territory claimed by Texas when admitted into the Union in 1845. The map is coded to show the frontiers of Texas with the United States and Mexico, and the disputed territory in the west between the Rio Grande and Nueces rivers.
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: The United States, 1821

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States and territories showing the westward expansion after the Missouri Compromise (1820) and the admission of Missouri into the Union in 1821.
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: The United States, 1861

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States in 1861 after the secession of the Southern States. The map is color-coded to show the Free Union States, Union Slaveholding States, Confederate States, and the territories of Washington, Dakota, Nevada, Utah,...
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: The United States, 1850

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the United States in 1850, showing the frontier line, indicate by the thick black line. The map shows the States added to the Union between 1840 and 1850, including Florida (1845), Texas (1845), Iowa (1846), Wisconsin (1848),...
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: Louisiana Purchase, 1803

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the Louisiana territory purchased from France in 1803, and the boundary established with the western Spanish territory by the purchase.
Curated OER

Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: The Oregon Country, 1846

For Students 9th - 10th
A map of the Oregon Territory showing the boundary on the 49th Parallel established by treaty between Great Britain and the United States in 1846, dividing what was once jointly held territory. The map also shows the boundary with Upper...