Read Write Think: Venn Diagram, 2 Circles
A printable Venn diagram to use when comparing and contrasting two things or topics. Directions on how to use this graphic organizer as well as lists of teaching ideas and related resources are also provided.
Read Write Think: Venn Diagram, 3 Circles
A printable Venn Diagram with three circles to use when comparing and contrasting three things or topics. Directions on how to use this graphic organizer as well as lists of teaching ideas and related resources are also provided.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: But, Are They Really That Different?
Students cannot compare and contrast adventures and experiences in stories or explain differences between books without first understanding how to compare. In this lesson, students will learn how to use a Venn Diagram to compare two...
Hot Chalk: Lesson Plans Page: Venn Diagrams
The point of this instructional activity is to introduce children to the idea of comparison through Venn diagrams. Children will compare two stories using the Venn diagram.
Read Write Think: Book Sorting: Using Observation and Comprehension
Critical thinking, comprehension and analysis skills are the focus of this physical activity. Good beginning to teaching different ways of looking at things.