Class Flow: Commas in a Series
[Free Registration/Login Required] This flipchart explains how to use commas in a series through an interactive website, structured practice and then assessment through an Activote session.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Commas in Dialogue, Tag Ques, Direct Address & Yes or No Responses
Find and use commas to set off dialogue, in tag questions, for direct address, and for yes-and-no responses.
Pbs Learning Media: How to Punctuate Items in a Series
Another way to confuse readers or audiences is not using commas and conjunctions when listing items in a series. Always use a comma in between items in a series, and use a conjunction before adding the last item in a list. [0:44]
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Commas
This comma tutorial include 5 slideshows: 1. how and when to use or not use commas, 2. proper use of commas in coordinating clauses, 3. proper use of commas in lists, 4. proper use of commas in introductory phrases, and 5. proper use of...
Bbc: Skillswise: Using Commas [Pdf]
Use this BBC Skillswise factsheet to learn more about commas, including how to use them in a series and how to separate less important parts of a sentence.
University of Victoria (Canada)
Elc Study Zone: Using Commas
Do you know how to use commas properly? Use this website to learn more about these pesky punctuation marks.
Using Commas in Sentences [Pdf]
Learners write their own sentences that each includes a series of words to punctuate correctly.
Get It Write
Get It Write: Using a Comma Before "And" in a Series
This article discusses the correct use of a comma before the word "and" in a list. In addition to clear explanations and examples, there is a self-test with answers. L.11-12.1a Gram/Usage changes, L.11-12.1b Usage issues
Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Writing a Series
This resource is designed to enhance the teaching of grammar in the context of reading and writing by using mentor sentences. In this resource, mentor sentences, or sentences that highlight a grammatical point, were chosen primarily from...
Tls Books: Letter From San Diego [Pdf]
A printable worksheet for students to practice their skill in using commas and capital letters.
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Cool, Cool Commas
This tutorial focuses on 4 basic comma rules that cover 85% of all comma use: series, compound sentences, direct address, and introductory clauses. It provides an audio clip explaining these 4 rules and 5 short slide shows: one for each...
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Grammar's Great Divide: The Oxford Comma
If you read "Bob, a DJ and a clown" on a guest list, are three people coming to the party, or only one? That depends on whether you're for or against the Oxford comma- perhaps the most hotly contested punctuation mark of all time. When...
The Write Place
Literacy Education Online: Comma Rules
Use this site for recognizing when to use commas. Includes examples.
Get It Write
Get It Write: When to Use a Comma Before "And"
Follow the clear instructions in this article to make sure that you use a comma before "and" correctly. The page includes a self-test with answers.
Tls Books: Writing the Date [Pdf]
This printable worksheet provides an opportunity for students to practice using commas in dates correctly. An answer sheet is provided
Class Flow: Commas
[Free Registration/Login Required] Students will understand how to use commas to separate portions of sentences (lists, subordinate clauses, extra information).
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Commas: Exercise #3
Put in commas wherever they are needed in the sentences provided. Answers are included at the end of the exercise.
Book Units Teacher: Teaching Comma Rules
Lots of ideas for teaching Grade 5 students about commas. Includes an anchor chart showing the comma rules they need to understand, four videos, an idea for making a comma rules booklet, and links to additional resources.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Meet the Comma
Commas separate parts of sentences from each other, and they do so in many different ways.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Quotations and Commas
During this lesson students will have the opportunity to learn the proper way to use quotations and commas. They will view information on the Internet and participate in online activities to help them master this concept.
Lumen Learning
Lumen: Readability: Conjunctions and Lists
This activity focuses on recognizing and demonstrating the standard use of commas with coordinating conjunctions and items in a series. It also provides a practice activity.