Think Venezuela
A travel site with exceptional pictures and information. Click "About Venezuela," on the menu for information on the economy, history, geography, education, culture, politics, climate, and more.
Adventure Learning Foundation
Adventure Learning Foundation: Venezuela
Comprehensive reference tool with an abundance of country specific information about the South American country of Venezuela. Content covered includes photos, symbols, history, economy, geography, climate, population, culture, maps, and...
Geography Iq: Venezuela
It's easy to explore the South American country of Venezuela through "Facts at a Glance". Discover information about geography, culture, economy, government, climate, and more. If you want more, take a look at the notes and commentary.
World Facts US
World Facts: Geography of Venezuela
Features detailed information about the topography, climate, and hydrography of Venezuela. Click on the link to take a look at the map.
Information Technology Associates
Theodora: Venezuela 2017
Current country-specific information compiled from a variety of sources. Learn about Venezuela's geography, population, climate, people, government, economy, communications, international issues, religion, and more. Be sure to click on...
Nations Online Project
Nations Online: Venezuela Country Profile
A great country profile that takes you on a virtual trip to Venezuela. An overview is given on its art, culture, people, environment, geography, history, economy, and government. There are numerous links available that will provide you...
Geography Iq: Venezuela Geography
Provides a "Facts at a Glance" chart covering topics dealing with geography in Venezuela.
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel De Cervantes: Venezuela
This resource site from Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes in Spanish for the country of Venezuela. The flag and a general map of the country are included. Of particular interest is the statistical data available on land size,...
World Facts US
World Facts: Venezuela
Easy to use reference tool that is full of useful information on Venezuela covering topics such as history, geography, population, government, and economy.
Climate Zone
Climate of Venezuela
A guide to information about the weather of Venezuela displayed in tables featuring average temperature, rainfall, and snow days.
Ducksters: Geography for Kids: Venezuela
A site containing information about the Geography of Venezuela. Study the history, capital, flag, climate, terrain, people, economy, and population.
Radford University: Tropical Savannas
This is part of a virtual geography project from Radford University. Learn about the climate, vegetation, grasses, soil, and fauna of tropical savannas.