Quia: Feast of Homonyms (Matching Game)
Play a game of match with homonyms. The game refreshes with new words at the completion of each round, and automatic scoring and self-checking provide instant feedback.
Quia: Feast of Homonyms (Concentration Game)
Fast-paced game of concentration that refreshes with new words at the completion of each round. Automatic scoring and self-checking provide instant feedback.
TESL Journal
Bilingual English Portuguese Vocabulary Quizzes
This site offers vocabulary-building quizzes that can be used either by learners of English or by learners of Portuguese to test knowledge of the English and Portuguese words for colors, days, months, seasons, greetings, fruits,...
British Council
Brirish Council: Learn English Kids: Word Games: Spring
Play this naming game with words associated with spring.
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Art in Action Crossword
This is an art-in-action crossword puzzle using a wordbank of vocabulary on the topic.
Esl Kid Stuff: Classroom Games & Activities
Great variety of classroom games and activities for PK-2 ELL/ESL students, submitted by teachers. Organized alphabetically by game name, the current collection includes activities designed to help the student practice a wide range of...
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Columbus Day
This is list of 12 vocabulary words on the theme of Columbus Day used in a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities. Also provided is a list of 275 vocabulary words on the topic of Columbus/Explorer as well as lesson ideas for grades...
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: New Year's Resolutions
This is a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities using a wordlist of words pertaining to New Year's Resolutions and beginning with the letters C, I, or P. It also offers a Vocabulary Word List for Resolutions (198) and ideas for...
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Stock Market & Finance
This page offers a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities using 26 words pertaining to the Stock Market & Finance. It also provides an extensive vocabulary word list for the Stock Market and finance and ideas for lesson plans.
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Winter Weather
This page offers vocabulary puzzles and activities using 34 vocabulary words pertaining to Winter Weather. It also provides an extensive winter vocabulary list, lesson plan ideas, and information about ice depth and snowflakes.
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Greek Mythologies
This page offers a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities using 56 vocabulary words pertaining to Greek Mythology. It also provides an extensive vocabulary word list for mythology, lesson plan ideas, and zodiac characteristics.
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Wizard Words
This page offers a variety of vocabulary puzzles and activities using vocabulary words pertaining to Wizards. It also provides an extensive word list for wizards and lesson plan ideas.
The Efl Playhouse: Games for Learning English
Use these adaptations of familiar children's games to help foster language development. Each game has a write up detailing how to play, what materials are needed and what adaptations can be made for non-English speakers.
Charles I. Kelly and Lawrence E. Kelly
Many Interesting Things: Basic Esl Vocabulary Word Lists
Collection of word lists in a variety of categories such as baseball, geography, cooking, and transportation. Learning activities include word finds, hangman, and even typing practice.
Vocabulary University
My vocabulary.com: Bill of Rights: u.s. Constitution
This page has some puzzles and activities using terms from the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. It also provides an extensive word list pertaining to the Constitution.
Quia: Prefixes (Matching Game)
Match common prefixes to their meanings in this online matching game.
Hangman Games for Vocabulary Study
How many words do YOU know? Choose from 20 different hangman games, each with its own themed vocabulary set. Fun for one or to play with friends!
Vocab Test: Vocabulary Tests for 8th Graders
Fifteen vocabulary units are offered here. Each unit provides a list of words and sixteen learning and assessment options from learning definitions and traditional quizzes to crosswords and games. Teacher resources, e.g., answer keys and...
Esl Kid Stuff: Flash Card Games and Activities
50 or more classroom-based games and activities using flashcards. Teachers are encouraged to submit their own ideas as well.
Beacon Educator: Reading Educator: Dictionary Game
Develop better vocabulary and dictionary skills while playing this fun dictionary game with students in small groups. Click on the video link to watch the game being played in a classroom. L.9-10.4c References
Hong Kong Education City: English Campus
English Campus is an excellent site for Chinese speakers learning English. It includes seven channels - Watch, Read, Practice, Play, Create, Meet, and a Teachers' Corner. Learn by playing word and grammar games, watching movies and...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Intermediate Level
Improve English language proficiency at this comprehensive ELL (English Language Learner) site for Spanish-speaking students. It is subdivided into eight areas of language development: vocabulary, grammar, listening comprehension,...
Ingles Mundial
Ingles Mundial: Beginning Level
Improve English language proficiency at this comprehensive ELL (English Language Learner) site for Spanish speaking students. This section is subdivided into eight areas of language development: vocabulary, grammar, listening...
TESL Journal
Internet Tesl Journal: Japanese English Vocab Quizzes
These online vocabulary exercises are created for Japanese speakers to study English. Extensive amount of exercises on various topics. They require JavaScript. Some do not require Japanese fonts.