National Aeronautics and Space Administration: Scijinks: Satellites Technology
Describes satellites including what they are used for, important roles they play, how a weather satellite is built, and how a satellite stays in orbit using text and video of varying length.
National Weather Service
National Weather Service
Official United States Weather Bureau source for weather maps and forecasts. Contains forecasts, maps, warnings, data, current conditions, and storm warnings.
European Space Agency
Esa Kids: Useful Space: Weather Studies From Space
Weather satellites aid meteorologists in studying space. The satellites provide details of weather around the world.
Weather Questions: How Do Weather Satellites Work?
An article referencing the way weather satellites function.
Weather Wiz Kids
Weather Wiz Kids: Weather Instruments
From anemometers to weather satellites this resource identifies several tools used in measuring or forecasting the weather.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Ucar: Satellites and Weather Teaching Box
Help your middle school student learn how satellites help make weather forecasts more accurate and how the COSMIC satellites collect data about the atmosphere by measuring bending radio waves.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Earth Science: Collecting Weather Data
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Describes the various instruments that scientists use to measure weather conditions, including advanced tools like satellites and radar.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Weather: Forecasting: Gathering Weather Data
Identify tools and their functions that help meteorologists study the weather.
Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education, Stevens Institute of Technology
Ciese Real Time Data Projects: Weather Scope: A Study of Weather and Climate
Use real-time data to study factors that affect weather and climate, create weather instruments, and share data with students around the world.
Teach Engineering: Weather and Atmosphere
In this unit, students learn the basics about weather and the atmosphere. They investigate materials engineering as it applies to weather and the choices available to us for clothing to counteract the effects of weather. Students have...
Weather Underground: The Authority in Expert Weather
Weather maps, forecasts, radar, NEXRAD, satellite images, and lifestyle weather reports for the United States and world. Includes Dr. Dewpoint and Weather 101 sections for educational use.
Dan Satterfield
Dan's Wild Weather Page: Satellites
At this site from Dan's Wild Weather Page, you can find out about how satellites work in forecasting our weather and perform learning activities about satellites.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Ucar: Satellite Storm Search
Students investigate a physical model to explore how satellite data impacts weather monitoring and forecasting.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Weather Maps
This site provides a lesson plan in which groups of students will each investigate a different type of weather map use for weather forecasting. Also includes discussion questions, extension ideas, and links to additional sites for more...
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: Weather: Forecasting
Covers a variety of forecasting-related topics including storms, snow and ice, and the tools meteorologists use to make predictions.
Space Telescope Science Institute
Hubble Site: Hubble Monitors Weather
This site is from Hubblesite which is provided by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. "What's the weather for Mars and Venus? The Hubble telescope has given astronomers a peak." Site provides images, video as well as...
Dan Satterfield
Wild Weather: Dan's Wild Wild Weather Page
A site to find out anything you want to know about weather, including clouds, tornadoes, satellites, radar, wind, climate, and more. Suitable for all ages. Also includes games, quizzes, and teacher resources.
Bright Hub: Technology Used to Collect Weather Data
Technology used to collect weather data employs a number of devices such as satellites and weather balloons to perform a very important function to our daily living; forecasting the weather.
Radley College Geography Department: Latest Weather
Many weather maps including world satellite images, jet streams, tropical storm trackers, temperatures and many more.
University of Michigan
University of Michigan: Usa Weather
This site gives current weather information by state.
Noaa: National Weather Service: The Sun and Its Effect on the Earth [Pdf]
The Space Environment Center (SEC) put together a slide show for use by teachers on Space weather. Begin with discussing solar emission and the sun itself. Then end with a summary of climatic effects of space weather, and a note on space...
Nasa: Sci Jinks: Satellite Controller
Find out if you may want a career as a satellite controller. Read to find out what it takes and how to become a satellite controller.
USA Today Understanding Weather Technology
An article describing current technologies that are used to predict weather.
Science Buddies
Science Buddies: Tracking Geomagnetic Storms in the Ionosphere
The Sun is the ultimate source of the energy that powers weather systems on Earth. Geomagnetic storms are sun-powered storms in the upper atmosphere, arising from energized particles that are periodically ejected by the Sun. Among other...