Wikipedia: Graeme Base
This Wikipedia page summarizes English-born Australian writer Graeme Base's life and works. Links to other Wikipedia pages about some of Base's best known works, like "Animalia" and "Eleventh Hour." Also links to other sites about Base...
Wikipedia: The Free Encyclopedia
Wikipedia is a free-content encyclopedia, written collaboratively by people from around the world. The site is a wiki, which means that anyone can edit articles simply by clicking on the "edit this page" link. You may read and edit...
Wikipedia: Elijah Muhammad
Wikipedia offers biographical information on Elijah Muhammad, founder and leader of the Nation of Islam. Note that Wikipedia is a public source, not a scholarly one.
Wikipedia: Boolean Data Type
A Wikipedia of the Boolean data type and how it is implemented in a variety of programming languages.
Wikipedia: Integer
A Wikipedia descirption of the integer data type and how it is implemented in a variety of programming languages.
Wikipedia: Programming Language
A Wikipedia description of the history and purpose of programming languages.
Wikipedia: Ada Programming Language
A Wikipedia description of the Ada programming language.
Wikipedia: Java Programming Language
A Wikipedia description of the Java programming language.
Wikipedia: Perl Programming Language
A Wikipedia description of the Perl programming language.
Wikipedia: Prolog Programming Language
A Wikipedia description of the Prolog programming language.
Wikipedia: Python Programming Language
A Wikipedia description of the Python programming language.
Wikipedia: Greenfoot
This site contains the Wikipedia description of the Greenfoot programming environment.
Wikipedia: Ruby Programming Language
A Wikipedia description of the Ruby programming language.