Curriculum Corner
Digraph Word Map
Can you map a consonant digraph? You can when you have the right tools. Early readers can use this word map to create a visual that displays words with digraphs like sh, wh, ch, and th. They add the digraphs into the spaces provided and...
Curated OER
Semantic Gaps and Sources of New Words
The 44 slides in this power point presentation make visual the salient points in a college lecture to develop language and semantic awareness.
Curated OER
Art: Faith Ringgold Story Quilts
Twelfth graders examine the impact of African American culture on the United States by inspecting Faith Ringgold's story quilts. Working in groups, they create a collective story quilt about current cultural issues. They research their...
Curated OER
Lesson: Paul Chan: "Score for the 7th Light"
Music, art, and poetry coalesce in a single exhibition, and in a single lesson. Critical thinkers analyze the Fluxus art movement as it's seen in the work of Paul Chan's 7 Lights. They consider the use of poetry and music in his...
Curated OER
Maus: Making a Visual Representation
How do you represent a tragic event? Are stories of tragic events better left untold? After reading chapter two of Maus and studying other representations of the Holocaust (suggestions are included), class members create a representation...
Curated OER
Horse of a Different Color: An Introduction to Color in the Visual Arts
Students identify ways in which the artist uses color to draw the view's attention to points within the composition and creates a sense of depth. They discuss the effect of color on the tone and mood of an artwork.
Curated OER
Salinger and the Vocabulary of the Vernacular
Writers explore vocabulary and expressions used in the English language. They use visual word maps to become aware of the different uses of words which will allow them to more readily interpret texts. Then they listen to/read excerpts...
Curated OER
Creating Children's Books
Students collaborate to create a children's book. For this visual arts lesson, student study the components and procedures that go into making a children's book including the shape, size. layout, biographical information about the...
Curated OER
Texture Hunts and More: Madonna and Child with Saints
Students investigate different painting techniques by studying classic works of art. In this art history lesson, students observe the famous Madonna and Child with Saints painting and describe the texture and images they notice....
Curated OER
Introducing Synonyms to Early Writers
Upper elementary schoolers examine the concept of synonyms and how using a variety of vocabulary through synonyms can expand their writing skills. They revise a paragraph using synonyms located on the Visual Thesaurus and participate in...
Curated OER
Lesson: Text Messages
Can a neon sign be considered art? Kids consider two different works that use neon text as the basis for conveying artistic social messages. They then analyze a truism from Jenny Holzer's web site that holds meaning to them personally....
Curated OER
Introduce Vocabulary: Franklin Goes to School (Bourgeois)
Join Franklin the turtle at school as youngsters learn new vocabulary in the context of Paulette Bourgeois' story (or apply this strategy to any book). Scholars are acquainted with new words before reading and raise hands when...
Institute for Humane Education
In Your Face: Reclaiming Billboards
Ads here, ads there, ads everywhere—but what do they communicate? Pupils discuss this topic and develop a list of personal values. They then work as creative directors at an advertising firm to create billboards that reflect community...
Curated OER
Organizing Writing/Composing a First Draft
Does your language arts class have a hard time with writing transitions? Use this organizational writing lesson to create three effective transition sentences that middle schoolers will use in their research of renewable resources.
Curated OER
Dr. Seuss - Make Time for Rhymes
Read the story Green Eggs and Ham to practice phonemic awareness, rhyming, and writing skills with emerging readers. They will match oral words to printed words, create a graphic organizer, and the use rhyming words in an...
Curated OER
Connect the Rhymes
Pre-readers benefit from visual context clues like the ones in this rhyme worksheet. There are two sets of objects here, and scholars connect objects on the left with their rhyming counterparts on the right. Each word has the vowel...
Curated OER
Draw it Yourself
What rhymes with fox? Get learners engaged with rhyming words through this drawing worksheet featuring four single-syllable words for beginning readers. For each, they draw something that rhymes with the word. Challenge learners who need...
Curated OER
Odd Ones Out
Some of these words don't rhyme; scholars determine which ones as they examine four sets of images with the vowel sound /e/. For each set, they circle the words that don't rhyme with the first image. Be sure kids know what these images...
Curated OER
Find the Rhyme
Which one rhymes? There are four starting objects here, each heading a row of three objects. Learners identify the objects and their vowel sounds to determine which one rhymes with the first object. All these rhyming words involve the...
Curated OER
Find the Rhyme
Find the rhyming word. All of these rhyming, single-syllable words have the short i sound, but learners have to determine which ones they are. There are four starting objects each heading a row of three objects. They examine the...
Curated OER
Odd One Out
Which word doesn't rhyme? As they practice vowel-sound recognition, scholars examine rows of familiar objects to determine which object doesn't rhyme. There are four rows here, each with a beginning image and three subsequent images....
Incredible Art Department
Notan Collages - "Expanding the Square"
Notan is a Japanese word that expresses the interaction between light and dark. Learners explore Notan while creating dimensional art pieces that examine positive and negative spaces. They'll discuss the art of Notan, create...
Curated OER
Clay Wipe Away: Ceramics
Discuss Pre-Colombian South American art with your class, then get out the clay and create some. Pupils practice using the wipe-away technique to create a ceramic tile similar to those made by the Maya. Great web links and a...
Curated OER
Vivid Verbs
Spice up your writing! Your amateur writers will benefit from concentrating on understanding and improving verb use in writing. An introductory activity addresses weak verbs. A second exercise helps them see the importance of strong...