Curated OER
Using Homographs
Not all homographs are the same! Actually, that's exactly what the definition means; the spelling is the same, but the meanings are different! Look at some common homographs with your class. Example words include: bow, desert, produce,...
Curated OER
Introduction to the Study of Language
Though the presentation doesn't have any actual information, these slides detail the reading requirements and exam schedule of a sixteen-week class on the study of language. If you are planning a class on this topic, the presentation...
Curated OER
Many Advantages of a Lesson Study
Collaborating with colleagues on the lesson-study process can enrich various areas of education.
Orlando Shakes
Arms and the Man: Study Guide
Few aspects of life make better fodder for a comedic play than politics. A study guide introduces George Bernard's Shaw comedy Arms and the Man. Along with summaries of each scene and brief biographies of the main characters, two lesson...
Orlando Shakes
Hamlet: Study Guide
Hopefully, learners do not sleep during a performance of Shakespeare's Hamlet. A helpful study guide introduces theater goers to the popular Shakespearean tragedy and includes activities to accompany a production of the play. Activities...
Curated OER
Louisiana State History: Study Guide Presentation
Review a lesson on Louisiana's state history with a study guide. There are 12 questions and 12 answers related to Louisiana becoming a state. Each question requires learners to fill in the blank or provide a single word answer.
Curated OER
To Kill a Mockingbird Study Guide Part II
Focus your class's reading of To Kill a Mockingbird with this resource. Eighty-three questions are provided for chapters 12-31, the majority of which focus on plot recall. Since this is a word document, you can consider adding questions...
Facing History and Ourselves
A Scene from a Middle School Classroom
Citizens in the modern world can't imagine making the same social choices made by many Germans in the 1920s and 1930s, but they don't realize that they actually do it every day by ostracizing others. A case study of middle schoolers...
Channel Islands Film
Arlington Springs Man: Lesson Plan 4
West of the West's documentary Arlington Springs Man introduces viewers to the remarkable finds on Santa Rosa Island. Archaeologist have discovered on this small island that is part of the Channel island chain, human and pygmy mammoth...
Lessons from Auschwitz: The Power of Our Words
Some words are best left unspoken. Words matter, according to Benjamin Zander, conductor, teacher, and lecturer. To illustrate his point, Zander recounts a story told to him by a survivor of Auschwitz. As a result of her experience...
1 plus 1 plus 1 equals 1
I Can Read! Sight Words Set #9
Work on sight words with a series of fun reading activities. Kids connect the dots, match words, and play bingo while studying the words for, jump, help, and look.
1 plus 1 plus 1 equals 1
I Can Read! Sight Words Set #14
Study the sight words but, have, will, and into with a series of reading activities. With tracing lessons, matching games, and flash cards, the packet is a great first step to a successful reading education.
Appalachian State University
Glory: Motion Picture Study Guide
This is an excellent resource for teachers to use for incorporating the motion picture Glory into the classroom! Breaking down the film into particular noteworthy and telling scenes, the guide offers important considerations for...
McGraw Hill
Phonics Teachers Resource Book
Looking to improve your classes literacy program? Then look no further. This comprehensive collection of resources includes worksheets and activities covering everything from r-controlled vowels and consonant digraphs, to the...
Curated OER
A Study of Plants
Using a variety of multi-media resources, your high schoolers become familiar with the parts of plant and create a story about plants using vocabulary learned during their research of plants. Completed stories are published using the...
Curated OER
A Study Guide for The Phantom of the Opera
Immerse yourself in the beautiful, twisted world of Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera. A detailed lesson plan provides important details about the writing, stagecraft, music, and literary elements of the famous musical,...
C.S. Lewis Foundation
Study Guide to The Abolition of Man
A first-rate resource that tackles the complexity of C.S. Lewis’s The Abolition of Man. It provides a clear plan for analysis, discussion, and exploration. The two sets of questions focus readers to concentrate on the text...
C.S. Lewis Foundation
Study Guide to Letters to Malcolm
C.S. Lewis outlines in his final book Letters to Malcolm: Chiefly on Prayer, the struggle of what happens during prayer, and the purpose of the action. The resource provides two sets of questioning. The first furnishes deep...
Curated OER
Sorting Words
Students investigate rhyming words. In this word study lesson, students are introduced to rhyming words and then sort out the words that rhyme and group them. A worksheet is provided.
Curated OER
Latin Word Study
For this word study worksheet, students fill in a two page chart of root words, prefixes and suffixes. They write example words and their definitions.
SciShow Kids
Create Constellation Flash Cards #sciencegoals
Get the inside scoop on constellations from Jessi and Sam the Bat in a captivating video that also supports study skills using flashcards.
Curated OER
Word Origins
Have you ever studied historical words and found that they were deeply rooted in racism or prejudice? Select a long list of these words to have your class examine. What familiar roots do they have? Do they know when this word originally...
Curated OER
Find the Misspelled Words
Young readers are given twenty groups of words and asked to circle the misspelled word. They are encouraged to sound out the words, specifically focusing on vowel sounds.
Curated OER
Latin Roots: dict, vent, duct (Advanced)
Such a comprehensive way to learn vocabulary! Complete the puzzle, read the vocabulary in context, and get a thorough definition for each vocabulary word. This resource focuses on words containing three Latin roots: dict, vent, and...