Curated OER
Breaking News English: Animal Rights Road Kill Candy Victory
In this ESL reading comprehension worksheet, learners read or listen to the passage, then complete a wide variety of warm-up activities, as well as before listening/reading, while listening/reading, after listening/reading, discussion,...
Curated OER
Number Worksheet: Practice Counting
In this basic counting instructional activity, learners count how many frogs they see on the instructional activity and then color the correct number underneath the frogs.
Curated OER
Worksheet 7 Vocabulary Review- Nouns and Modifiers
In this sentence completion learning exercise, students choose a word from the word bank to complete six sentences. Illustrations for each sentence serve as clues.
Curated OER
"Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?"
In this Eric Carle learning exercise, learners read 33 words on sentence strips from the story "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what Do You See?" by Eric Carle. Students can use these sentence strips to write their own version of the story.
Curated OER
The Cat in the Hat Word Search
In this The Cat in the Hat word search worksheet, 1st graders will find and circle 18 words from the story. The puzzle is in the shape of the Cat's hat.
Curated OER
One After Another!
In this numeral order instructional activity, students study the six pictures of 'The Three Little Pigs' story and the numbers in each one. Students use the numbers to put the pictures in order and glue them on a separate sheet of paper.
Curated OER
Dr. Seuss’s Who’s Whoses
In this Dr. Seuss activity worksheet, students examine 8 illustrations and match them with the appropriate textual descriptions on the right.
Curated OER
The Wolf's Tale
In this ESL literature learning exercise, students read excerpts from a story told from the wolf's perspective in Little Red Riding Hood. Students complete 4 pages of exercises and essay questions about this story.
Curated OER
Dr. Seuss's Who's Whoses
In this Dr. Seuss worksheet, students match 8 Dr. Seuss characters to a short description about their personality, this includes Sam-I-Am, Horton, Grinch and others.
Curated OER
Dr. Seuss Political Cartoon Questions
In this primary source analysis worksheet, students examine a political cartoon by Dr. Seuss about World War II and then respond to 5 short answer questions.
Curated OER
Simple Past Verbs-- Goldilocks
For this language arts worksheet, students change verb tenses into the simple past form. Students read the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears which has all verbs missing. Students supply the missing past tense verbs. This appears to...
Curated OER
Simple Past-- Goldilocks and the Three Bears
In this language arts worksheet, students read a version of Goldilocks and the Three Bears which has the verbs omitted. Students follow the clues in italics to complete the story.
Curated OER
Dr. Seuss Characters
In this Dr. Seuss characters worksheet, students review and discuss sixteen main characters from his novels and circle each one in a word search puzzle.
Curated OER
Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King
In this reading activity, students respond to the book Happy Birthday, Martin Luther King by completing an activity at home with a parent. Students cut out 3 pictures of scenes depicted in the book. A parent reads a description of an...
Curated OER
Yertle the Turtle
In this Dr. Seuss story problems worksheet, students read through the Dr. Seuss story problems and solve them. There are 10 story problems on the page and they are all very basic math.
Curated OER
Touching Spirit Bear Chapter Questions
In this Touching Spirit Bear chapter questions worksheet, students complete several questions over chapters eight and nine to determine their comprehension of the text.
Curated OER
Find the Real Mother Goose
For this picture matching worksheet, students examine 6 similar pictures of Mother Goose. Students color the one picture that is different from the others.
Curated OER
Double Vision - Comparing Curious George Pictures
In this comparison worksheet, students look at 2 Curious George pictures and attempt to find the 12 things that are not the same in the pictures. They see pictures of circus trains and animals.
Curated OER
Which One is Different?
In this Dr. Seuss's Sneetches activity worksheet, students examine the picture of 9 sneetches and identify the 1 that is different from the other 9.
Curated OER
Coloring Fun with the Grinch
In this Dr. Seuss connect the dots activity worksheet, students use their counting skills to complete the dot to dot in order to find out what the Grinch is giving Max for Christmas.
Curated OER
Whoville's Holiday Whobilation Word Hunt
In this word search using words from Dr. Seuss' "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!" worksheet, students hunt Dr. Seuss's wontubulous words horizontally frontwards and backwards, and vertically correctly and upside-down. Students find 8 words.
Curated OER
Which Two Are the Same? (Dr. Seuss)
In this identical pictures worksheet, students analyze a picture of the Sneetches (Dr. Seuss) cooking on beaches. Students circle the identical pictures and draw additional features according to the directions.
Curated OER
Freak the Mighty Vocabulary/Question Journal Ch. 13-25
For this novel study worksheet, students review the vocabulary and plot structure of chapters 13-25 of Freak the Mighty as they respond to 36 fill in the blank and short answer questions.
Curated OER
Freak the Mighty Vocabulary/Question Journal Ch. 13-25
In this novel study worksheet, students review the vocabulary and plot structure of chapters 13-25 of Freak the Mighty as they respond to 21 fill in the blank and short answer questions.