Pbs News Hour Extra: British Coalition Government
The first coalition government has been formed in 70 years in Britain. Discussed in this article are the similarities to the American Republican Party, speculation on how long the coalition may last and the need for cuts in public...
Class Flow: Southwest Asian Governments
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this flipchart, students will describe the different political structures of the Middle East, explain the basic structure of the national governments in Turkey, Jordan, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, and...
Ducksters: Ancient Greek History for Kids: Government
A website to dedicated to information about the Government of Ancient Greece. The history of this world civilization.
Students of the World: Russia
Find out some factual information about Russia. Here you will find the national anthem, information about the physical geography, the climate in an easy to read graph form, the language, population, economy, natural resources,...
Bbc: Tunisia Crisis
This article discusses the ramifications of the social and political unrest in Tunisia and the potential of the country to embrace a democratic form of government. (January 19, 2011)
I Civics: Who Rules?
Learn about the different forms of government that exist, including democracy, autocracy, oligarchy, and others. Compare and contrast these forms, and look at real-life examples in the world today.
Nelson / Thomson: Intro to Legislatures
This resource offers an extensive listing of the democratic legislatures in the world, describing their form and how they differ from other democratic legislatures. Uses popups.
Gender Equality & Women's Rights Internationally
Canada has exhibited leadership internationally in the protection of women's rights, security, and health. This website offers a comprehensive Canadian government policy and partnership list in gender equality and UN initiatives to...
Common Lit: Text Sets: Political Theory
As governments form and change over time, they look to political philosophers to answer important questions about governance. This text set covers some of the world's most influential political thinkers. This collection includes 10...
US National Archives
Docsteach: Immigration to America: Stories and Travels
This activity asks students to match documents to individuals based on the reasons these people came to and were living in the United States. The photographs and documents are attached to government forms in some of the millions of...
Bbc News: Mali Counts the Cost of Democracy
For one of the poorest countries in the world, the cost of their upcoming democratic election is beyond expensive! The biggest worry is over the excessively large number of questionable candidates as well as concerns over past failed...
Curated OER
Cbc: African National Congress Spinoff Party Chooses Presidential Candidate
Unhappy members of the ruling African National Congress broke away to form South Africa's new COPE party. The party chose its first presidential candidate, Bishop Mvume Dandala who will run for the parliamentary election on April 22/09....
Department of Defense
Do Dea: Art Appreciation: Unit 5: 3 D Art
This fifth unit of a course on Art Appreciation looks at different forms of three-dimensional art. Students learn about sculpture and its history, government-funded art works, and controversy in art. They look at other types of 3-D...
The History Cat
The History Cat: Birth of Democracy
Features a look at democracy in ancient Greece. Discover how it worked and how Athenians prevented corruption.
The Human Right to Freedom From Discrimination
This site discusses the "human right to freedom from any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference based on gender, race, color, national or ethnic origin, language, religion, political or other opinion, age, or any other status,...
Anarchy Archives
A rich collection of links and articles assembled by a professor of political studies.
Curated OER
Educational Technology Clearinghouse: Maps Etc: South America, 1921
A map from 1921 of South America showing the political boundaries of the time, major cities, railroads, terrain, rivers, and coastal features, and includes an insert map of the Galapagos Islands. " South America, the fourth largest grand...
Curated OER
Federation Internationale De Volleyball
This site describes a worldwide organization that governs and manages all forms of volleyball and beach volleyball. It also stages world class events and develops quality programs and resources.
Curated OER
Federation Internationale De Volleyball
This site describes a worldwide organization that governs and manages all forms of volleyball and beach volleyball. It also stages world class events and develops quality programs and resources.
Curated OER
Federation Internationale De Volleyball
This site describes a worldwide organization that governs and manages all forms of volleyball and beach volleyball. It also stages world class events and develops quality programs and resources.
Curated OER
Etc: Comparative Projections of Asia, 1800 1899
A map using comparative map projections of Asia, as part of a hemisphere and on a Mercator's projection, to illustrate European misconceptions of land claims during territorial colonialism. In the 19th century, European powers were...