Quia: Global History: World War Ii
Some of the key people, places, and terms from World War II.
World War Ii History Info: World War Ii in Britain
Reference page explaining British involvement in World War II. With links to related material.
Curated OER
National Park Service: Battle of Midway: Turning the Tide in the Pacific
This Teaching with Historic Places lesson plan examines Midway's strategic importance in World War II.
Ibiblio: Hyper War: u.s. Army Campaigns of World War Ii: Central Burma Campaign
This site from Ibiblio is an official Defense Department history of the Burma battles fought in 1945 against the Japanese. The role of Merrill's Raiders is analyzed.
The History Place
The History Place: World War Ii in the Pacific Timeline
This site has a timeline covering the years of 1941 (Japanese Bomb Pearl Harbor) to 1945 (United Nations is born). Selected WWII battle photos are also included.
Imperial Japanese Navy Page: Guadalcanal Naval Battles
This site presents information on the many navel battles that were a part of the Guadalcanal Campaign.
Bbc: Ww2 People's War
Site gives everyone the opportunity to tell his or her own story about World War II. What did your grandfather do in the war? What did you mother do for the war effort? Read fascinating, personal stories about people's memories of the...
Ducksters: Quiz: World War Ii Battle of Iwo Jima for Kids
History Questions: Battle of Iwo Jima Quiz, Test, and WebQuest
Ducksters: Quiz: World War Ii Battle of Stalingrad for Kids
History Questions: Battle of Stalingrad Quiz, Test, and WebQuest
Ducksters: Quiz: World War Ii Battle of the Bulge for Kids
History Questions: Battle of the Bulge Quiz, Test, and WebQuest
The Atlantic Monthly Group
In Focus: World War Ii: North African Campaign
Photograhs of the British, Australian, and American forces fighting against the Germans and Italians in the North African Campaign in an attempt to force the Axis troops from North Africa. Captions accompany each picture to add context...
Ducksters: World War Ii History: Ww2 Timeline for Kids
Kids learn about the timeline of World War II in history. Major events leading up to and during the war. Battles, alliances, and treaties.
Imperial War Museums
Imperial War Museum: Battle of Britain
Extensive website on the Battle of Britain with many historically significant documents and interviews with British subjects.
Mariners' Museum and Park
Mariners' Museum: Battle of the Atlantic: A Virtual Exhibit
An online exhibit detailing Word War II's Battle of the Atlantic.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: World War Ii
You have heard about these famous events; now read about them from the viewpoint of an actual eye witness. Read personal accounts about the Blitzkrieg, the first atomic blast, attack of Pearl Harbor, the Battle of Midway, and more.
Ibiblio: Hyper War: u.s. Army Camaigns of World War Ii: India Burma Campaign
An official defense department history of the various battles fought in the India and Burma region. The roles of General Stillwell and General Merrill is discussed.
Library of Congress
Loc: Experiencing War: African Americans: Fighting Two Battles
Online personnel narratives by African American soldiers who participated in World War II.
Digital History
Digital History: War in Europe [Pdf]
This site is from a unit that covers the period from the Second World War up to the Cold War. It looks at the course of the war in Europe, and America's involvement after the bombing of Pearl Harbor. It examines the military strategies...
Pbs: The War: Battle of the Bulge
At the online companion site of the PBS documentary series "THE WAR," find a write-up about the Battle of the Bulge, the largest land battle on the Western Front during World War II and the largest engagement ever fought by the U.S....
Flow of History
Flow of History: World War Two in Europe
The outbreak of World War Two in Europe began with Hitler's invasion of Poland. Through text and a colored graphic flowchart, the events and battles and eventual end of the war, can be visually traced. Suitable for both students and...
Google Cultural Institute
Google Cultural Institute: The Americans at the Heart of the Battle of Normandy
Detailed multimedia account of the intensive training, preparation, and eventual Allied invasion of Normandy during World War II.
Raleigh Charter High School
Mrs. Newmark's Page: True False Questions on World War Two
Take a true or false quiz on World War II.
Veterans Affairs Canada
Historically Speaking: The Human Cost of War
This learning module gives students the opportunity to view and listen to hundreds of interviews with people who experienced first hand the Korean and First and Second world wars. This is an excellent teaching resource that helps...
US Army Center
U.s. Army Center of Military History: World War Ii Campaigns: Sicily
This brochure from the Center of Military History recounts the Allied invasion of Sicily at the beginning of the Italian Campaign.