International Debate Education Association: Debates: Health
A selection of debate topics focused on health themes. Each topic includes a clear statement of the argument, a list of points for and against, suggested support for each (point and counterpoint), and a bibliography that supports the...
International Debate Education Association: Debates: Law
A selection of debate topics focused on legal issues, many of which are international. Each topic includes a clear statement of the argument, a list of points for and against, suggested support for each (point and counterpoint), and a...
International Debate Education Association: Debate: Society
A selection of debate topics focused on societal issues, often on an international scale. Each topic includes a clear statement of the argument, a list of points for and against, suggested support for each (point and counterpoint), and a...
International Debate Education Association: Debates: Economic Issues
A selection of debate topics focused on economic issues, often on an international scale. Each topic includes a clear statement of the argument, a list of points for and against, suggested support for each (point and counterpoint), and a...
Washington State University
Washington State University: Literary Movements: Domestic or Sentimental Fiction
This site provides a wealth of information about Harriet Beecher Stowe's works. It provides some great links to "Uncle Tom's Cabin" information, a bibliography of primary and secondary sources by and about Stowe, and links to some of her...
Library of Congress
Loc: Stephen Crane
This Library of Congress site provides a brief description of Crane's life as a war correspondent during the Spanish-American War and then provides some excerpts from some of his war correspondences. A bibliography of related works of...
Georgetown University
Georgetown Unversity: Edward Taylor
Very extensive site that contains information about Taylor's "major themes, historical perspectives, and personal issues" as well as poetic style, form, and artistic conventions. Contains analysis of "Huswifery," as well as other Taylor...
University of Oregon
University of Oregon: The Lady of May, by Sir Philip Sidney [Pdf]
This full-text edition of The Lady of May derives from the 1605 edition of The Countesse of Pembrokes Arcadia. It features an introduction, notes, and bibliography. [Requires Adobe Reader.]
Poetry Foundation
Poetry Foundation: Charlotte Bronte (1816 1855)
Details of the life and works of Victorian writer Charlotte Bronte and her contributions to the world of poetry. Includes a bibliography and a link to her poem "On the Death of Anne Bronte".
Luminarium: Sources of Additional Information on Chaucer
Links to resources devoted to Chaucer: biographies, bibliographies, discussion groups, images, works, and the like.
Poetry Foundation
Poetry Foundation: Maya Angelou (1928 2014)
A look at the life and works of poet and writer Maya Angelou, complete with detailed biography, bibliography, links to poems and articles.
Csu: "Art, Philosophy, and the Philosophy of Art"
Excellent introductory article by Arthur Danto defining "aesthetics." Site has helpful links throughout and great discussion questions at end of article. Danto bibliography included.
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Selected Poetry of Oliver Wendell Holmes
From the University of Toronto Representative Poetry On-Line site, this page contains a brief discussion of the life and works of Oliver Wendell Holmes, American writer and physician. Contains links to electronic text versions of ten...
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Selected Poetry of Anne Bradstreet
Biographical information about Anne Bradstreet's life. Includes details about her works and their publication history. Includes a brief bibliography and the text of eleven of her works.
University of Toronto (Canada)
University of Toronto: Selected Poems of Stephen Crane
Full text of three Stephen Crane famous poems: "In Heaven, "A Man Said to the Universe", and "Should the Wide World Roll Away". Explanatory note and select bibliography.
University of North Carolina
University of North Carolina: Constructing Thesis Statements
Readable, but thorough handout on the thesis statement. Covers what it is, why it's important, how to come up with one, examples, and how to evaluate. Bibliography included. W.9-10.2a Intro/org/graphics
Poetry Foundation
Poetry Foundation: Ambrose Bierce (1842 1914)
A synopsis of the life and works of writer Ambrose Bierce, who wrote short stories, poetry and satirical essays. With extensive bibliography and further readings list.
Biblioteca Virtual Miguel de Cervantes
Biblioteca Virtual De Cervantes: Virtual Library
This site is a digital library containing a wealth of bibliographies, critiques, and documents from Spain and Latin America. One may search for literature by author or title.
Washington State University
Washington State University: American Authors: Edward Taylor (C. 1642 1729)
This resource provides a bibliography of works relating to Edward Taylor.
Applit: Resources for Appalachia Literature
Resources for readers and teachers of Appalachian literature for children and young adults that includes lesson plans, texts, bibliographies, and so on.
Rutgers University
Rutgers University: Johnson on the History of the Language
Critical analysis of Johnson's use of literary sources in his dictionary, and his contribution to the development of modern English. Includes extensive notes and bibliography.
Rutgers University
Rutgers University: Samuel Johnson and the Revival of Learning
A critical analysis of Johnson's commentary on the period later called the Renaissance by Jack Lynch. In-depth article with extensive notes and bibliography.
Rutgers University
Rutgers University: Use, Elegance, and National Identity in Johnson's Dictionary
An analytical discussion of Johnson's use of literary technique in his dictionary. It includes notes and bibliography.
W. W. Norton
W. W. Norton & Company: Lit Web: The Research Process
Information about the research process including: reference works, bibliography, online and card catalogs, evaluating sources, taking notes, integrating source material into the essay, editing, proofreading, citations, quotations, and more.