Pbs News Hour: Responding to Quotes and Aphorisms
The objective of this lesson plan is to teach students about responding to quotes and aphorisms. This site features a lesson plan with detailed information.
Ncrel: Reading Strategies: Before, During, and After [Pdf]
This page provides a detailed chart to aid students' understanding of texts. It goes through the steps of pre-reading, during reading, and after reading, outlining what students should be thinking about as they interact with a text. This...
Shmoop University
Shmoop: I Felt a Funeral, in My Brain
From a clear introduction which includes "Why Should I Care," to the text and then an analysis of the poem, I Felt a Funeral, in my Brain, this site contains fascinating insights into the writings of the poet. Broken into clearly...
First World War
First World war.com: Prose & Poetry Robert Graves: A Twentieth Century Life
This detailed article covers all of Graves' work, not just his war writing. Although it lacks a bibliography, it is written by a Graves scholar from the University of Maryland, and mentions specifically the work of others studying Graves.
Annenberg Foundation
Annenberg Learner: American Passages: Gothic Undercurrents: Edgar Allan Poe
This biography features Edgar Allan Poe who introduced the genre of horror and mystery to literature in the nineteenth century with stories such as "The Raven."
World Wide School
World Wide School: Etext of the Puzzle of Dickens's Last Plot
Read this detailed examination of Dickens' last, unfinished manuscript.
Tidewater Community College: Book or Article Review or Critique Guidelines
Many students are not sure what type of information to include in a book or article review. This site provides some general guidelines. It covers not only the type of content to be included but also the format.
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Harcourt: School Publishers: Test Tutor: Sequence
Students will increase their reading comprehension skills and understanding of story sequence by reading a passage of text and then answering questions about the order of events.