Northern Virginia Community College

Northern Virginia Community College: How to Analyze Literature

For Students 9th - 10th Standards
In addition to briefly explaining the reason for analyzing a work of literature, this site provides the definition of key terms used in literary analysis. W.11-12.9a Amer Lit 18th,19th, 20th cen/Analy

Database of Award Winning Children's Literature

For Students 4th - 9th
This is a phenomenal resource. It allows the user to create a reading list of quality children's literature based of choices such as reading level, type of book, genre, ethnicity, gender, etc. In addition, one can determine if a book won...
Unit Plan
Georgetown University

Georgetown University: Edgar Allan Poe (1809 1849)

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
This site is a professor's guide for students. This guide features information on how to distinguish between Poe and his narrators in his stories.
Unknown Type
EL Education

El Education: Floura Casuella

For Teachers 3rd - 8th
A 5th/6th grade student in Shutesbury, Massachusetts created this character file as part of a Learning expedition on local scientists. Students were engaged in a survey-style study of all of the fields that are considered the hard...
Unit Plan
Annenberg Foundation

Annenberg Learner: American Passages: Modernist Portraits: Gertrude Stein

For Students 9th - 10th
Feminist and modernist, Gertrude Stein is featured in this biography for her contributions of many literary genres as well as being a mentor to many twentieth century writers. See "Gertrude Stein Activities" for related materials.

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