Curated OER
Hitler's Lightning War
When you line them up, you can knock them down. Hitler had a plan, carried it out, and started WWII. This presentation focuses on Hitler's military and political tactics, who he fought, and how his opponents fell. Key players and events...
Curated OER
What Caused WWII?
In this causes of World War II study guide worksheet, students read a brief overview pertaining to the time period in world history and then respond to a reflection question.
Curated OER
World War II Geography
Students explore the geography of Europe. In this World War II instructional activity, students study and represent countries involved in the war as they participate in a simulation that requires them to discuss war events and how their...
The History Cat
The History Cat: Wwii: The Blitzkrieg
Nazi Germany was progressive with its military in World War II. The Blitzkrieg, a term initiated by the Allies, was the type of warfare Hitler wanted to employ. Understand the meaning of the phrase and how it impacted the war.
Bbc: History: World Wars: Blitzkrieg
Discover what happened during the blitzkrieg at the start of World War Two and why the Allies were so unprepared. Why was it that Britain and France were outfought at every turn?
Euronet: Map of Polish Blitzkrieg
Map of Poland five, ten, and fifteen days after the German invasion.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: World War Ii
You have heard about these famous events; now read about them from the viewpoint of an actual eye witness. Read personal accounts about the Blitzkrieg, the first atomic blast, attack of Pearl Harbor, the Battle of Midway, and more.
The History Cat
The History Cat: World History: World War Ii
Learn about World War II history. Topics include Germany under the Nazis, appeasing Hitler, the Blitzkrieg, the bombing of London, and Berlin during the Cold War.
Germany and Italy: European Axis Powers
This site discusses the major Axis powers and gives a summary of their military activities during World War II.
National Archives (UK)
National Archives Learning Curve: British Response to V1and V2
A lesson plan (including primary documents) on how you as an advisor to the British War Cabinet would try to counter the threat of the V-1 "Buzz Bombs".
Internet History Sourcebooks Project
Fordham University: Modern History Sourcebook: German Invasion of 1941
This site from the Fordham University provides an address by Vyacheslav Molotov, Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union, containing the Soviet reaction to Germany's invasion.