Curated OER
Properties of Multiplication
Learners identify the properties and use them to solve word problems. They solve 13 problems. This is an unusually good worksheet!
Curated OER
Addition Properties
Addition becomes much simpler once scholars understand its properties. They examine the commutative property through five equation pairs. For each, the addends have been switched and scholars must fill one in. The next six...
DK Publishing
Addition Fact Families
Fact families are an excellent way to connect math operations for beginners to addition and subtraction. Use the examples here to review this concept before scholars try these on their own. For each, they examine two related number...
Numbers Raised to the Zeroth Power
What in the world is the zeroth power? Examine the patterns of exponents as they apply to the zeroth power. Scholars apply the zero property to simple exponential expressions in this fourth lesson in a series of 15. The examples include...
Curated OER
Making Addition Sentences True
Introduce scholars to the commutative and additive identity properties of addition with two sets of practice problems. First, they fill in the missing addend by choosing from a group of three possible answers. These six addition...
Curated OER
Hands-On Equations: Teacher Notes
Math manipulatives are wonderful for demonstrating any number of mathematical concepts in a concrete and visual way. Learners review the addition property of equality and the zero property using a scale model kit (not shown). They...
Willow Tree
Number Properties
The number of basic algebraic properties can become overwhelming for learners. A lesson explains and gives examples for all the basic algebraic properties. The resource is perfect to use as a way for pupils to organize and...
Curated OER
Fact Families
These fact families need to be completed. Scholars use addition and subtraction to complete four number sentences for each set of three numbers. The sentences are all part of the number set's fact family, and demonstrate the commutative...
Curated OER
Modeling Addition: Commutative Property and Zero Property
First graders practice modeling addition. In this hands-on addition lesson plan, 1st graders are introduced to the Commutative Property of Addition and the Zero Property of Addition through modeling and the use of manipulatives. This...
Matrix Addition Is Commutative
Explore properties of addition as they relate to matrices. Using graphical representations of vector matrices, scholars test the commutative and associative properties of addition. They determine if the properties are consistent for...
Matrix Multiplication and Addition
To commute or not to commute, that is the question. The 26th segment in a 32-segment lesson focuses on the effect of performing one transformation after another one. The pupils develop the procedure in order to multiply two 2 X 2...
Curated OER
Properties of Addition and Subtraction
In this using properties to solve word problems, students find the sums and differences of two-digit numbers using the zero property and the order property of addition to problem solve. Students solve six problems.
One-Step Equations—Addition and Subtraction
Just one step is all you need to find success in solving equations. The 27th installment in a series of 36 teaches how to solve one-step equations involving addition and subtraction. Tape diagrams help future mathematicians in this task.
Curated OER
Property Posters
Students identity properties of addition and multiplication. In this addition and subtraction properties lesson, students explore commutative, associative, and distributive properties as they design posters that feature the properties...
CK-12 Foundation
Addition and Multiplication Properties with Real Numbers: The Secret of Subtraction
An interactive boosts mathematicians' knowledge of subtracting integers using a horizontal number line by way of multiple-choice, true or false, and discussion questions.
West Contra Costa Unified School District
Simplify Expressions and Solve Equations Using Two-Column Proofs
Increase understanding of the algebraic properties and their importance. Scholars justify their steps as they simplify expressions and solve equations. They formalize their work as two-column proof.
CK-12 Foundation
One-Step Equations and Inverse Operations: Additive Inverse
Reinforce properties while solving equations. Learners often ignore properties even as they try to apply them. A well-designed lesson emphasizes the role of additive inverses when solving equations.
Curated OER
Twenty Questions: The Hundred Chart
Use the 20 Questions game to practice math vocabulary and number properties! Project a hundreds chart and hand one out to learners. Ideally, give them counters (beans would work well) to mark off the chart so you can play multiple times....
Virginia Department of Education
Pick and Choose
Properly teach properties with three activities that allow learners to investigate properties of real numbers. The resource covers the identity properties for addition and multiplication, the inverse property for multiplication, and the...
Writing Addition and Subtraction Expressions
Symbols make everything so much more concise. Young mathematicians learn to write addition and subtraction expressions — including those involving variables — from verbal phrases. Bar models help them understand the concept.
CK-12 Foundation
Addition of Integers: Number Blocks
A five-question interactive provides a horizontal number line where integers are stacked on top of one another to find solutions of addition problems. Mathematicians move numbers to the numbers line, as numbers build higher, the sum of...
Study Jams! Multiplication
What does baking cupcakes have to do with multiplication? Watch this video and find out as your class learns that multiplication is the repeated addition of equal groups. Properties of multiplication are also introduced with...
Charleston School District
Solving Equations with the Distributive Property
Now there are parentheses in these equations? As the lessons continue in this series, equations get progressively more complex. Eighth graders solve equations by applying the distributive property before using inverse operations.
Two-Step Problems—All Operations
Step 1: Use the resource. Step 2: Watch your class become experts in solving two-step problems. Scholars learn to solve two-step word problems in context. They use tape diagrams and algebraic techniques to break the problem into two,...