Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Shadows: The Shadow Knows
This science experiment helps students understand how the size of a shadow depends on the size of the object casting the shadow as well as the position of the light source and screen.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Solar Brightness
Want to know how bright the sun is? In this lesson plan, students construct a photometer to be used in determining the brightness of the sun.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Reflections of a Star
This simple lesson allows students to work cooperatively in determining the angular diameter of the Sun.
Exploratorium: Mona
An optical illusion created using Leonardo's well-known portrait of the Mona Lisa serves as source material for an exercise in perception.
Exploratorium: Microscope Imaging Station: Mitosis Flipbook
Use this series of images depicting the process of mitosis in the early embryo of the fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster to make a mitosis flipbook. In this stage of Drosophila development, nuclei divide very rapidly without cell...
Exploratorium: Microscope Imaging Station: What's the Size of What You See?
In this lesson plan, you use microscope images to show how to use scale bars to measure very small things.
Exploratorium: Microscope Imaging Station: Elodea Explorations
In this lesson, students will investigate plant cells and microscope measurement together by using Elodea plants.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Lateral Inhibition
An activity that will have you questioning which is in control, your eyes or your brain? This activity has students constructing simple paper tubes to investigate how the eyes work.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Look Into Infinity
In this activity students will create images of images of images that can repeat forever. Students will recreate this effect by setting up two acrylic plastic mirrors.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Looking a Little Spotty
By using digitally manipulated images, test your brain to see how much information is needed for your brain to produce an image.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Magic Wand
In this activity you will be investigating where the picture of a movie or slideshow actually is. Is it in the air, screen, the eye of the viewer or in the film.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Magnetic Lines of Force
In this activity discover the direction of the magnetic field by making patterns of the field visible with iron filings.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Magnetic Pendulums
See how electricity and magnetism interact with this activity. Activity has students creating a current by swinging a copper coil through a magnetic field. The copper coil will start a second coil swinging as well.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Magnetic Shielding
An activity where students test different materials to see which allow magnetic lines of force to pass through them and which block the magnetic lines of force.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Magnetic Suction
An experiment to find out how an old-style doorbell works.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Make Your Own Rainstick
Create a traditional instrument called a rainstick in this activity.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Michelle O (Formerly Vanna)
Here is an activity where students experiment with how the brain receives a strange view of a familiar object.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Milk Makes Me Sick
This activity will use glucose strips to explore the function of lactase enzyme in milk. Students will try to understand the lactase enzyme to figure out the basics of lactose intolerance.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Mirrorly a Window
Understand that what you see is often affected by your expectations of what you think you should see. This activity will explore the sensation you feel when your brain expects to see something.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Modulated Coil
Can you hear a magnet? In this activity you will be able to transfer the sound from your iPhone, iPod or radio to a cassette-tape player.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Moire Patterns
In this activity, students will use Moire patterns to demonstrate wave interference.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Momentum Machine
A quick activity to see how to speed up your spin on a chair.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Motor Effect
Create a simple device to see how a force is exerted on a current by a magnetic field. This activity shows how an electric motor can be made with this force.
Exploratorium: Science Snacks: Non Round Rollers
Can you build rollers that are not circle shaped? In this activity, build non-circular rollers that a flat panel can roll smoothly on.