Bartleby Presidential Inaugural Address: Geo. Washington: 2nd
Read a transcript of George Washington's second inaugural address given on March 4, 1793.
Bartleby The Playboy of the Western World, by J. M. Synge
Here you will find the full text of J. M. Synge's play, The Playboy of the Western World.
Bartleby The Devil's Pool Vol. Xiii, Part 2
This reprint of the Harvard Classics edition includes biographical information, criticism and interpretation by Benjamin Wells and Matthew Arnold, as well as the text of "The Devil's Pool."
Bartleby Pygmalion: Etext
Use this site to access an online version of Shaw's famous play, based on the classical myth.
Bartleby Robert's Rules of Order Revised: Order of Precendence of Motions
This site describes the ranking of motions taken from "Robert's Rules of Order Revised."
Bartleby Robert's Rules of Order Revised: Subsidiary Motions
Robert's Rules of Order Revised provides this definition of subsidiary motions in the context of a committee meeting and the like.
Bartleby William Bradford
This site contains a biography of Bradford and some discussion of The History of Plymouth Plantation. No other information is given.
Bartleby On Drawing by a.p. Herbert
While this article is focused on Mr. Herbert's assessment of drawing, the introduction offers a glimpse of evaluation of The Secret Battle.
Bartleby Fairies and Fusiliers by Robert Graves
This collection of Graves' work focuses primarily on his war poetry. The text of each poem is provided, but there is no accompanying commentary.
Bartleby Siegfried Sassoon (1886 1967 Ce)
Bartleby has made available several volumes of the poet's work. Site includes a very brief biography, the collections themselves, quotations from his work, and several poems which appear in Modern British Poetry.
Bartleby "A Priest to the Temple"
From a scholarly work, this page from discusses Herbert's "A Priest to the Temple," and shows it as a reflection of Herbert's own character.
Bartleby Congreve and the Comedy of Manners
This page from provides a scholarly discussion of William Congreve's introduction of the comedy of manners in the 18th century.
Bartleby Cambridge History of Eng and Am Lit: Edward Everett Hale
This site provides some information on Edward Everett Hale's career as a writer.
Bartleby Mark Twain: Journalist and Lecturer
Though this is part of a much larger biography on Mark Twain, this section focuses exclusively on this work as a journalist. Pretty extensive.
Bartleby William Cullen Bryant. 1794 1878: To a Waterfowl
Full text of the poem "To a Waterfowl" by William Cullen Bryant.
Bartleby Marlowe and Kyd
This site, which is provided for by, is a biographical sketch of Marlowe's life with notes.
Bartleby Marlowes Non Dramatic Writings
At this site from, information is given regarding the non-dramatic writings of Marlowe in particular his poems.
Bartleby Marlowe and Kyd
This site is provided for by Marlowe's characteristics of style, as critics put it, is the use of the persistent hyperbole, weak construction, no woman limitation, humourless.
Bartleby Cambridge History of Eng and Am Lit: George Ripley
This site explains the role of George Ripley in founding Brook Farm. Examines the philosophy behind the utopian community and the causes for its ultimate demise.
Bartleby The Dial and George Ripley
Describes the role of George Ripley as assistant editor to "The Dial," and examines the importance of the publication in the transcendental movement.
Bartleby Presidential Inaugural Address: Geo. Washington: 1st
Review the text George Washington's first inaugural address given on April 30, 1789. RI.11-12.8 seminal U.S. texts
Bartleby Presidential Inaugural Address: Abraham Lincoln: 1st
Read a transcript of the speech given by Abraham Lincoln at his first inauguration on March 4, 1861. Includes a short introduction that explains the state of affairs at the time of Lincoln's swearing in.
Bartleby Presidential Inaugural Address: John F. Kennedy
Follow this link to a transcript of John F. Kennedy's inaugural address given on January 20, 1961.