Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Theodor Schwann
Learn about German Physiologist, Theodor Schwann, one of the scientists who helped develop the cell theory.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Theodosius Dobzhansky
Read a short biography about Theodosius Dobzhansky, a central figure in the field of evolutionary biology for his work in shaping the unifying modern evolutionary synthesis.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Thomas Alva Edison
Meet the inventor of the phonograph, the motion picture camera, and the long-lasting, practical electric light bulb, Thomas Edison.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Thomas Burnet
Read this short biography about theologian, Thimas Burnet.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Thomas Hunt Morgan
A short biography of the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1933 for discoveries elucidating the role that the chromosome plays in heredity.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Thomas Kuhn
Meet the author of one of the most influential books of the 20th century The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, and the philosopher who coined the term "paradigm shift."
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Thomas Midgeley Jr.
Meet a key figure in a team of chemists that developed the tetraethyllead additive to gasoline as well as some of the first chlorofluorocarbons.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Thomas Newcomen
Find out about the life and work of the inventor who created the first practical steam engine for pumping water in 1712, the Newcomen steam engine.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Thomas Willis
Thomas Willis was a founding member of the Royal Society, who played an important part in the history of anatomy, neurology, and psychiatry.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Tim Noakes
A short biography about Tim Noakes, the South African scientist who has run more than 70 marathons and ultramarathons, and is the author of several books on exercise and diet.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Timothy John Berners Lee
Read a short biography of the man best known for inventing the World Wide Web.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Trofim Lysenko
Meet the Ukranian scientist known for his experimental research in improved crop yields called vernalization. However, he rejected Mendelian genetics in favor of pseudoscientific ideas.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Tycho Brahe
Learn about this 16th century astronomer who was known for his accurate and comprehensive astronomical and planetary observations.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Ukichiro Nakaya
A short biography about Ukichiro Nakaya, who is known for his work in glaciology and low-temperature sciences. He is credited with making the first artificial snowflakes.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Virginia Apgar
Read a short biography about the woman who was best known as the inventor of the Apgar score, a way to quickly assess the health of newborn children immediately after birth.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Vladimir Vernadsky
Find out about Vladimir Vernadsky, considered one of the founders of geochemistry, biogeochemistry, and of radiogeology, and most noted for his 1926 book The Biosphere in which he inadvertently worked to popularize that term.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Walter Schottky
Learna about the life and work of the German physicist who played a major role in developing the theory of electron and ion emission phenomena.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Walther Wilhelm Georg Bothe
Find out about a German nuclear physicist, who won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1954 for his work in study of nuclear reactions, the Compton effect, cosmic rays, and the wave-particle duality of radiation.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Werner Heisenberg
Find out about German scientist, Werner Heisenberg, a theoretical physicist who was one of the key pioneers of quantum mechanics.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Wernher Von Braun
Find out about one of the leading figures in the development of rocket technology, who invented the V-2 rocket for Nazi Germany and the Saturn V for the United States.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Wilbur and Orville Wright
Learn about the Dayton, Ohio brothers who are credited with inventing and flying the world's first successful airplane.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Wilhelm Ostwald
Learn about the life and work of Wilhelm Ostwald, the chemist who received the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1909 for his work on catalysis, chemical equilibria, and reaction velocities.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Wilhelm Wundt
Find out about Wilhelm Wundt, one of the founding figures of modern psychology, and the first self-proclaimed psychologist.
Famous Scientists
Famous Scientists: Willard Frank Libby
Learn about the life and work of Willard Libby, the scientist who helped in the development of radiocarbon dating which led to the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1960.