Noaa: Estuaries 101 Curriculum: Observing Estuaries:
Students investigate landforms and features associated with estuaries by taking a journey down a river to an estuary system where the river empties into the Gulf of Mexico near Weeks Bay. They will use Google Maps and other resources to...
Noaa: Year of the Ocean, Kids and Teachers Corner
Great resources on a variety of ocean and environmental concerns, endangered plants and animals, climate and habitats, frequently asked questions and fact sheets.
Noaa: Ocean Facts on Marine Fish Habitats
The depletion of marine fish habitats from NOAA affects more than just the fish - it can affect you too! Learn facts about the importance of habitat preservation for science, and for people like you.
Noaa: Ocean Science Careers
Study the different types of ocean related careers that are available and how you can make a difference without having to be a professional.
Noaa: Ocean Facts on Coastal Development
Resource provides facts on Coastal Development as well as how it affects you.
Noaa: International Year of the Ocean: Pacific Coral Reef
"This [online] coral book was created to provide the reader with an introduction to the Pacific's fascinating coral reef ecosystem." The resource is for young students learning about life under the sea. Translated in English, Hawaiian...
Noaa: Global Monsoons
This interactive world map allows you to view factors associated with monsoons. Monsoon data displayed includes factors such as precipitation, wind speed, soil moisture, and ocean temperatures. Links to monsoons associated with specific...
Noaa: The Great Usa Flood of 1993
Interesting abstract about the flood that hit the Midwest in 1993, one of the worst floods in United States History. Find out why the flood occurred, the damage, maps of the damage, charts, graphs, and statistics.
Noaa: Hurricane Flooding: A Deadly Inland Danger
Detailed on-line brochure about hurricanes and the flooding that comes with these dangerous storms. Find photos and information about how to prepare for hurricanes.
Noaa: Reacts Quickly to Indonesian Tsunami
NOAA discusses its reaction to the tsunami that rocked South Asia in 2004 and gives a scientific explanation to why it happened. Interesting animated map of the tsunami.
Noaa: Alaska Fisheries Science Center: Pribiloff Whelk
Two clear image examples of Pribiloff whelk.
Noaa: Nws: Office of Hydrologic Development
Has general hydrology information, hydrology research updates, and data from the National Remote Sensing Center. A good site discussing current information from the world of hydrology.
Noaa: Nmml: Detailed Information About Gray Whales
Your questions about gray whales are answered at this site from the National Marine Mammal Laboratory. Learn where the whales live, what they eat, how they communicate and more.
Noaa: Free Fall Determination of Newtonian Constant of Gravity
Descriptions of an experiment performed by geologists to determine the Newtonian constant of gravity, or "G". Highly sophisticated reading.
Noaa: Photo Library: Severe Storms Laboratory: Catalog of Images
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration provides a photo library of severe weather formations.
Noaa: Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises (Order Cetacea)
Learn about the over 70 species of Cetaceans, or whales, dolphins, and porpoises in the ocean. Read about their behaviors, strandings, and their special sense: echolocation
Noaa: Pinnipeds
What are pinnipeds? Learn about seals, sea lions, and walruses; their characteristics, where they live and their differences.
Noaa: Crabeater Seals
This complete site offers several really cool facts about the crabeater seal. In addition, a link takes you to more information about this seal such as where do they live, what do they eat, how long do they live and more.
Noaa: History: Galveston Storm of 1900
Read an account of the worst natural disaster in American history in terms of loss of life, the Galveston hurricane of 1900. View historic photos of the devastation that resulted.
Noaa: Be a Shipwreck Detective [Pdf]
Use your skills of investigation to examine a list of items recovered from a shipwreck. Draw conclusions about the ship and its demise based off of your observations.
Noaa: Fixing Our Earth [Pdf]
Understand that some natural resources are damaged and even in danger of being destroyed. Find out how you can help restore some of these natural resources.
Noaa: Is Our Climate Changing [Pdf]
Discover thoughts about the Earth's changing climate and how these changes may impact people and the environment.
Noaa: It All Runs Down Hill [Pdf]
Read how freshwater moving across the surface of the Earth can become polluted and bad for the environment. Create a model that shows how water can become polluted as it flows downhill.
Noaa: Make Your Own Volcano [Pdf]
Learn how different types of volcanoes develop and construct a simple volcano on your own.