Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Invention of the Week: Thomas Alva Edison
As the inventor of the lightbulb, phonograph, and the printing telegraph, Thomas Alva Edison (1847-1931), improved the daily lives of everyday people.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Inventor of the Week: Charles Goodyear (1800 60)
Brief article, with biographical details, about Charles Goodyear's invention of vulcanization, a process to make rubber durable for industrial use.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Inventor of the Week: Percy Lavon Julian
Percy Lavon Julian is featured in this brief biography for his innovative contributions to medicine.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Invention of the Week: Ernesto E. Blanco: Stair Climbing Wheelchair
Read about MIT teacher and practitioner Ernesto Blanco, inventor of the stair-climbing wheelchair. This article provides details on the inventor's life, his career outside of MIT, and his inventions that continue to help the handicapped...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Invention of the Week: Bessie Blount: Self Feeding Device for Amputees
Read about Bessie Blount's contribution to medicine--her work as a physical therapist and her invention of a feeding device for amputees.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Invention of the Week: William D. Coolidge: The X Ray Tube
Read about William D. Coolidge, his education, work, and his invention--the X-Ray Tube--as well as other medical innovations he is credited with. Learn how x-rays work and how they have contributed to the medical world.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Inventor of the Week: Gertrude Belle Elion
In a career spannig over 40 years, [Gertrude Belle] Elion (1918-1999 CE) invented some of the 20th century's most significant lifesaving drugs. Read about the life and accomplishments of this scientist who won the Nobel Prize for...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Invention of the Week: Albert Macovski: Medical Imaging Systems
Learn about the work done by Albert Macovski, which included the development of digital radiography, ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and learn how these inventions impact the medical world.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Inventor of the Week: Maya Lin
Use this site to learn about the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and the architect who designed it, Maya Lin.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Invention of the Week: Colin Twitchell: Multi Terrain Wheelchair
This site provides information on Colin S. Twitchell, inventor of the multi-terrain wheelchair. Learn what inspired Twitchell and about his career at MIT.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Inventor of the Week: Ruth Wakefield (Inventor of the Chocolate Chip Cookie)
Read a biography of Ruth Wakefield, the inventor of the chocolate chip cookie.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Invention of the Week: Ivan Yaeger: Prosthetic Arm
Learn about the development of the prosthetic arm by Ivan Yaeger. This article talks about his work creating articial limbs for a little girl born without arms and how these limbs worked.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Invention of the Week: James Ritty
The interesting biography of James Ritty and his design of the first mechanical cash register. His subsequent sale of the invention to John H. Patterson blossomed into the company, National Cash Register Company.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Open Course Ware: City Scope, New Orleans
Working on strategic problem solving, peruse these resources about the problems surrounding the urban environment of New Orleans to aide with lessons.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Open Course Ware: Differentiability and Continuity
The activity investigates differentiability and continuity. The resource consists of online textbook chapters and exam questions with solutions on non-differentiable behavior. All documents were created from scanned original files and...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Open Course Ware: Appropriate Integrals
The activity investigates appropriate integrals. Some topics examined are areas between curves, the disk method, the washer method, and the shell method. All documents were created from scanned original files and are available as PDF...
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Open Course Ware: Fluid Flow Continuity
Students explore fluid flow continuity with this exam question. The question includes a detailed solution.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Media Lab: All I Really Need to Know (About Creative Thinking) I Learned in Kindergarten
This paper in pdf format focuses on how kindergarten students learn about creative thinking and emphasizes that their approach is ideally suited to the needs of the 21st century.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Japanese Holidays and Cultural Events
This site from Massachusetts Institute of Technology gives a calendar of holidays and culture events in Japan. It gives the history of days, the meaning, and why they are celebrated.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Gary Snyder: Short Bio
Read a short biography on Snyder written by Ann Charters from "The Portable Beat Reader."
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Internet Classics Archive: Alexander by Plutarch
Text of Plutarch's ALEXANDER.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Internet Classics Archive: Caius Marius by Plutarch
Text of Plutarch's CAIUS MARIUS.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Internet Classics Archive: Caesar by Plutarch
This Internet Classics Archive site by MIT offers the text of Plutarch's CAESAR.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mit: Internet Classics Archive: Cato Younger by Plut
Text for Plutarch's CATO THE YOUNGER.