A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher stuff.com: 100th Day of School
How can you plan an exciting and educational 100th day of school for your students? The answers can be found in this comprehensive resource. This site features activities, lesson plans, songs, poems and more.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Estimation Station (Lesson Plan)
A hands-on lesson plan for grades K-3 on estimation using goldfish crackers. Lesson used in conjunction with an oceans unit.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: The Great Kapok Tree (Lesson Plan)
Help your students develop an understanding of a rain forest ecosystem and the environment through this social studies lesson.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Lego Block Center (Activity)
This lesson assists in developing teamwork in kindergarten age children and encourages them to take a look at their local community and its institutions.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: The Secret Life of Hubie Hartzel
This site from A to Z Teacher Stuff presents a lesson plan through a thoughtful story of a young fifth grader. Plan covers many themes such as bullying and family life. Also, lesson helps children express their thoughts through writing.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: The Weather Forecast (Activity)
This learning activity involves comparing actual weather to weather forecast estimates made by the weatherman and students.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Teaching Money
This lesson plan site from A to Z Teacher Stuff focuses on students identifying coin, money values, writing amounts of money, and counting money to a specific dollar amount with at least 80% accuracy.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Family History (Lesson Plan)
In this A to Z Teacher Stuff activity, students research information about their family history, record it, and then present it orally to the class.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
Ato Zteacherstuff: Dramatics With the Teaching of Poetry
This site from atozteacherstuff.com provides a lesson to help learners develop an appreciation for poetry. This site will also will help create meaning from poetry.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Introducation to Poetry (Activity)
This online lesson plan combines music & poetry in a rich and fun way! The lesson is geared towards middle school, but could be modified for elementary.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Dandelion by Don Freeman (Lesson)
Using the book "Dandelion," this lesson leads learners to an understanding of the importance of being themselves.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff:and to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street Writing Activity
This resource is a lesson plan whose purpose is to create a class book in the style of Dr. Seuss' "And to Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street."
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Sheep in a Jeep Activities
This online lesson plan focuses on Nancy E. Shaw's "Sheep in a Jeep." There are several creative activities that help students to determine what words rhyme with each other.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
Lesson Plan: Classifying Animals
Students classify animals according to whether or not they can fly. The lesson plan includes instructions and materials.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
Ato Zteacherstuff: We're All the Same on the Inside
Site from AtoZteacherstuff utilizes hands-on activity in order to illustrate how people may look different because of race or ethnicity.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Animal Alphabet: Kindergarten Zoo Abc Review
A lesson plan where students work together to create a Kindergarten Zoo hall display or alphabet book while learning the alphabet.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Parent Involvement
This site provides a collection of teacher submitted tips for working with and improving relationships with parents.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Themes and Thematic Units
This site provides lesson plans and ideas that correspond to annual holidays and events, as well as generalized "themes."
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Motivating Students
This site provides a collection of teacher submitted tips for getting students motivated and involving them in classroom activities. Tips of particular interest include motivating students to COMPLETE HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS!
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Thanksgiving (Lesson Plans)
A variety of lesson plans broken down by grade level geared to helping children learn about Thanksgiving, many involving interactive activities.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
Atozteacherstuff: Inside a Seed
atozteacherstuff lets you take a closer look at the inside of a seed by using this lesson plan to "discover the beginning of a plant."
A to Z Teacher Stuff
A to Z Teacher Stuff: Beginning Handwriting (Activity)
This is a handwriting activity for first graders. The students learn the importance of their name and learn to properly write their name in a fun activity.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
First Days of School Activities
Several tips for teachers to try during the beginning days of the school year to get things off to a smooth start.
A to Z Teacher Stuff
Air Pollution: What Can You Do?
In this lesson plan site, students will gain an appreciation for what air pollution is and share their feelings about it.