Able Media
Able Media: Ideal Marriage
This site is provided for by AbleMedia. A description of the Roman concept of the ideal marriage. Includes links to related topics.
Able Media
Able Media: Roman Weddings the Wedding Ceremony
AbleMedia offers a good description of the actual wedding ceremony itself. Links to related topics are included.
Able Media
Able Media: Olympus (Lesson Plan)
This site from AbleMedia details a lesson for students to research a specific Olympian god or goddess.
Able Media
Classics Technology Center: The Roman Gladiator
Nice overview of the history of gladiatorial games and their function in Roman society. Mentions how people became gladiators, how they trained, and the possibility of female gladiators.
Able Media
Able One Education Network: Aristophanes' Clouds
This site from the AbleOne Education Network talks about the production of this play. Goes through the scenes and talks about what happens and the significance.
Able Media
Classics Technology Center: Ancient Egypt
Seven teachers created activities to help enhance the study of ancient Egypt. Appropriate for a variety of levels and learning styles. Includes world wide web resources.
Able Media
Classics Technology Center: Life and Labors of Hercules
Lesson plan created for eighth-grade students with no Latin language background to learn about Hercules and his twelve labors. Includes handouts and examples of student work, as well as ways to add Latin to the project.
Able Media
Ablemedia: Unearthing the Lost City of a Burbe Suburbe
This site is provided for by Ablemedia. Unique simulation activity where students "Discover," an ancient city and complete tasks to compile a history of the city and finally create a 3-D model of the city. Could be adapted for many...
Able Media
Latin Phrases and Mottoes
Nice list of common Latin phrases and their English meanings. Mentions places where you might see the quote. Also includes pictures of these phrases illustrated by students.
Able Media
On the Nature of the Universe: Study Guide
A study guide for Lucretius's work, "On the Nature of the Universe."
Able Media
Ctc Web: Latin Derivatives Exercises
These teacher-created exercises use amusing stories chock full of Latin derivatives to help students connect ancient and modern languages. Unfortunately, there is no key.
Able Media
Ctc: Gods, Grief and Freedom in Aeschylus' Oresteia
Refers to the underlying theme of Greek tragedies as mere mortals worrying about their actions.