Chem Tutor
Chem Tutor: Types of Common Ionic Reaction: Synthesis Reactions
A brief description of synthesis reactions with a couple of examples. Scroll up or down to see this page's other content related to ionic reactions.
Chem Tutor
Chem Tutor: Chemistry: Compounds
This lesson focuses on chemical compounds including Ionic and Covalent Bonds, Valences, Lewis Structures, Binary Covalent Compounds, Radicals or Polyatomic Ions, and much more. It also includes a compound worksheet in which the students...
Chem Tutor
Chem Tutor: Conversions Using Dimensional Analysis
Practice problems with answers for converting units with dimensional analysis.
Chem Tutor
Chem Tutor: States of Matter
A very descriptive site that allows students to understand the different states of matter at the atomic level. Also discusses the process of phase changes and displays phase change graphs. Thermochemistry is also touched upon for high...
Chem Tutor
Chem Tutor: Dimensional Analysis
This site offers a description and sample problem of dimensional analysis.