
Energy4me: Exploring Sound Waves

For Students 2nd - 6th
This activity explores the behavior of sound waves. Learn how to test how sound travels through different types of rock.

Energy4me: Understanding Density

For Students 2nd - 6th
This activity explores the property of density in a variety of liquids and solids.

Energy4me: Getting the Oil Out

For Students 2nd - 6th
This activity demonstrates how artificial lift systems are used to help pull the oil out of the reservoir rock and pump it up the well.
Lesson Plan

Energy4me: Give It a Lift

For Teachers 3rd - 6th
Students will gain an overall picture of how oil can be recovered from a rock formation using artificial lifting equipment, such as a pumping unit.

Energy4me: It's a Gas

For Students 2nd - 6th
Students will perform a natural gas experiemnt.

Energy4me: Carbon Footprint

For Students 9th - 10th
After completing the first part of this activity, students will be able to explain individual carbon footprints and list the means for reducing them. The second part of this activity helps students to visualize climate as a system with...

Energy4me: Seeping Stones

For Teachers 2nd - 6th
Experiment focuses on whether rocks will absorb or repel water.
Lesson Plan

Energy4me: History of Oil

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Students will discover the importance of oil to the world from ancient times through today.
Lesson Plan

Energy4me: Reservoirs and Production

For Teachers 6th - 9th
The students will learn that porosity refers to the percentage of holes (pores) in the rock. Permeability is the ability of fluids to travel through porous rocks. If a well is to be successfully produced, the reservoir must have...
Lesson Plan

Energy4me: Oil and Natural Gas Formation

For Teachers 6th - 8th
Students will learn that oil and natural gas taken from the earth's crust today originated as small plants and animals that lived in the ocean millions of years ago.

Energy4me: Fracturing With Gelatin

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This activity aims to demonstrate how fracturing fluid, under pressure, is able to create a fissure in the rock layer. Students will be able to see the syrup come out at a high velocity to crack the gelatin. The gelatin, however, will...

Energy4me: Peak Oil Game

For Students 9th - 10th
This activity aims to explore the production process and its advancing technologies to better extract petroleum for products and energy use. What happens to production as the amount of oil in the ground decreases?

Energy4me: Perforated Well Casing

For Students 9th - 10th
How do you think adding holes to a well casing will influence the amount of petroleum or natural gas that a well can produce? This activity models the differences in production of a perforated and non-perforated well casing. After the...
Lesson Plan

Energy4me: Exploring Oil Seeps

For Students 9th - 10th
How does oil seep naturally from beneath layers of rock to the surface of the ocean?

Energy4me: The Petroleum Value Chain

For Students 9th - 10th
Students will gain an overall picture of the sequence of processes that make up the petroleum industry value chain. Students will learn about the exploration, production, refining, and chemical manufacturing of oil and gas by exploring...

Energy4me: Modeling an Oil Reserve

For Students 9th - 10th
Doing this investigation will help you understand how geoscientists identify and explore petroleum-rich reserves.

Energy4me: Petroleum Ponder

For Teachers 1st - 5th
What materials are made from petroleum? The object of Petroleum Ponder is for each team to correctly identify as many items as possible that are made from petroleum in their Petroleum Ponder box. In a relay fashion, each team member will...

Energy4me: Core Sampling

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Relate this to real-world drilling and why drill bits are used to churn up and break up rock in the sampling path. Explain to students that core sampling is one way that geologists determine the geologic formation of rocks and sediments...
Lesson Plan

Energy4me: Name That Tune

For Teachers 6th - 9th
Students will learn that scientists use seismic technology (sound waves) to map patterns of rock formations below the surface of the earth and that different types of rocks affect sound waves.
Lesson Plan

Energy4me: Oil and the Environment

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Students will discover the changes in the petroleum industry practices during the past 50 years. Students will learn of the controls and techno-logical innovations that have been implemented to take better care of the natural...

Energy4me: Energy: Making Our Lives Easier

For Students 3rd - 8th
A complete slide show which teaches about the role petroleum natural gas play in our use of energy.

Energy4me: Energy Facts Trivia Game (Metric)

For Students 9th - 10th
Learn some facts about energy, petroleum, and conservation in this quiz-style trivia show.

Energy4me: Petroleum Engineering Careers

For Students 9th - 10th
This PowerPoint illustrates the importance and history of petroleum and it uses as well as the careers that are associated with it.

Energy4me: Geothermal

For Students 9th - 10th
Find out how geothermal energy is used as a source of usable electricity.