Franco Cavazzi
The Roman Empire: Romulus Augustulus
A description of the reign of Romulus Augustulus during the years of AD 475-476, how he came to power, and how he was deposed. Interesting site on the history of the fall of the Roman Empire.
Franco Cavazzi
The Roman Republic: The Brothers Gracchus
This section gives a brief explanation of how the brothers influenced Roman society.
Franco Cavazzi
The Roman Empire: Roman Education
This section from The Roman Empire explains the education system and how boys and girls were schooled. It discusses the school year, the curriculum, and rhetoric.
Franco Cavazzi
Illustrated History of the Roman Empire
Learn all about the history of Rome. See the great buildings and popular Roman achievements. Meet famous Romans and learn what makes them famous.
Franco Cavazzi
Roman Empire: Religion in the Home
The religious practices performed in the homes of the Romans are discussed--how minor gods and goddesses had roles in all aspects of Roman daily life.
Franco Cavazzi
Roman Roman Italy Map
This site from is an interactive map of Roman Italy. Areas, Regions, Tribes, Towns, Cities, Rivers, Lakes, and Mountains can be searched for with pull-down menus.
Franco Cavazzi
Theatre of Marcellus
There is a fabulous picture at this site. Unfortunately, there is only one sentence to go along with it, but the illustration makes the site worth the effort of going there.
Franco Cavazzi
Illustrated History of the Roman Empire: Marriage
This site provides a detailed overview of marriage during Roman times.
Franco Cavazzi
The Roman Empire: Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus
This site, which is provided for by the Roman, gives a biography of the victorious Roman general, Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus, also known as Pompey the Great.
Franco Cavazzi
Roman The Second Triumvirate
This site from the provides information on the Second Triumvirate (Octavian, Antony, and Lepidus) and an explanation of what happened after Caesar's death.
Franco Cavazzi
The Roman Empire: Ancient Rome, Temple of Jupiter
This aerial map of Ancient Rome gives an overall picture of the city's buildings and structures. The Temple of Jupiter is colored red so the viewer can see where it is located in relation to other structures. But the map lacks labels and...