Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Laberinto De Fracciones
Practice simplifying fractions by playing a fraction domino game.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: De Cuantas Maneras?
In Spanish. This activity is recommended to be done with group of students. They can practice how many different ways they can make a certain amount of money with a given number of coins or how to form different words with a given number...
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Eclipses, Transitos Y Oculta
This is a simple explanation about solar and lunar eclipses.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Ensalada De Solsticios Y Equinocios
In Spanish. This is a quick visual introduction about the autumn equinox and summer solstice.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Problemas De Entrenamiento Para El Entretenimiento
In Spanish. This site is aimed at those who enjoy solving problems. You will find a collection of Arithmetic and Geometry problems which present some challenges and are interesting and fun.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Numeraciones Antiguas
In Spanish. In this activity you will find a document with numbers written in the form of an old numbering (starting with Egyptian symbols) and their corresponding transcript in our current numbering. There are 11 different numbers to...
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Ilusiones Opticas
In Spanish. Have fun with the different pictures and their optical illusions.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Un Juego Para Los Mas Pequenos
In Spanish. Practice mental addition and subtraction with this math game.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Coloreando Matematicas
In Spanish. Cartographers know that four colors are enough to illuminate their maps thus making their maps clear and easy to understand. Try to color the maps by following the two rules: 1) use the least number of colors and 2) keep in...
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Brincos Y Numeros
In Spanish. Find patterns with numbers less than 50. Also there is an activity to introduce the concept of multiplication.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Volcanes Del Mundo
In Spanish. Volcanoes are one of the most dynamic, powerful, and visible forces on Earth. Find out detailed information about the different volcanoes around the world.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Ternas
In Spanish. Find groups formed of three things in this activity. A crossword puzzle is given at the end.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Un Juego De Figuras
In Spanish. This is a game to compare figures according to their size, shapes and color.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Otra Forma De Multiplicar
In Spanish. Practice multiplication with a different method invented by the mathematician Luca Pacioli.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Poligonos Regulares Y Sus Angulos
In Spanish. This site has an introduction to regular polygons, classification of polygons according to the number of sizes and an activity of constructing polygons by folding papers.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Problemas De Holmes 2006
In Spanish. Practice your mental math skills with this site. You will find different activities for every month of the year. Different levels of difficulty and suggested time limit for each activity are also provided.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Recortando Geometria
In Spanish. In this site you will find different activities involving geometric plane figures.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Telar Del Pensamiento Matematico
In Spanish. Different mathematical topics are presented with questions and activities.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Simetrias
In Spanish. This activity is to create different figures which are symmetrical, and also find and learn about other types of symmetries.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Los Rompecabezas De Rosita
In Spanish. Build different things with different shapes, recognize patterns with shapes, and find the errors in Rosita's story.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: La Oca Aritmetica 2
In Spanish. In this activity you will make a dice that will take the form of icosahedrons to play a math game.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: La Noche Triste
In Spanish. Reading fragments of three different authors: Fernado de Alva Ixtlixochitl, Fray Diego Duran and Bernal Diaz del Castillo. Learn about one of the episodes of the conquest of Mexico known as "Sad Night".
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: La Guerra De Las Malvinas, 20 Anos Despues
In Spanish. Read about what happened 20 years later after the war of the Falkland Island.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: La Caida Del Muro De Berlin
In Spanish. Use this site to learn about the two sides to the Berlin Wall story.