McMaster University
David Ricardo: The Principles of Political Economy & Tax
This is an online version of Ricardo's text. Chapters from his text are given in groups.
McMaster University
Mc Master University: Music Composition for Beginners
A brief site on the advent of technology changing how music is written (and by whom) forever. One bad point is that for most of the links to work, you have to figure out for yourself where they go and type it in.
McMaster University
Mc Master University: Molecular Structure
This PowerPoint presentation features 33 slides that explain chemical bonding and molecular shape.
McMaster University
Mc Master University: Joseph Schumpeter
This site from the McMaster University is a hyperlink to a summary of an article written by Joseph Schumpeter on the concept of social value for the Quarterly Journal of Economics. This site is recommended for the serious student.
McMaster University
Mc Master University: Karl Marx
This site from the McMaster University is an excellent site to explore selected works by Karl Marx. It includes a picture of Marx along with hyperlinks to online versions of selected works.
McMaster University
Mc Master University: Chemistry: Ionic Bonds
This site gives a brief description of bonding in ionic compounds.
McMaster University
Mc Master University: Covalent Bonding
Slides 5 through 8 in this presentation from the McMaster University explain covalent bonding.
McMaster University
Mc Master University: Electronegativity
This site is provided for by the McMaster University. Slides 34-36 in this presentation define electronegativity and relate it to bond polarity.
McMaster University
Mc Master University: Electrolysis of Aqueous Na Oh
Experimental setup and energy requirements for electrolysis of sodium hydroxide solution.