National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: Fisiologia Celular 2 Bachillerato

For Students 9th - 10th
This unit deals with metabolism: catabolism and anabolism. It contains 19 interactive activities.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: La Base De La Herencia 2 Bachillerato

For Students 9th - 10th
This unit discusses the following topics: cloning, transgenic, gene therapy, genetic code, human genome and DNA replication. It contains 19 interactive activities.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: Inmunologia 2 Bachillerato

For Students 9th - 10th
How do we defend against disease? Why should get vaccinated? Find the answers to these questions and everything about the immune system in this session. It contains 16 interactive activities.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: Microbiologia 2 Bachillerato

For Students 9th - 10th
This unit will allow you to have a broader idea about microorganism, people and the ecosystem. It contains 16 interactive activities.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: Biotecnologia 2 Bachillerato

For Students 9th - 10th
Thanks to today's technology we can cure or alleviate many illnesses. In this unit you will broaden your knowledge about biotechnology. It contains 13 interactive activities.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: El Universo, La via Lactea Y El Sistema Solar

For Students 9th - 10th
Ministerio de Educacion: El Universo, la Via Lactea y el Sistema Solar.
Lesson Plan
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: La Atmosfera Terreste

For Teachers 9th - 10th
In this site learn about the atmosphere and the air, origin and layers of the atmosphere, atmospheric phenomena, clean and pullulated air and the importance of air and health. It contains many illustrations and 15 interactive activities.
Lesson Plan
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: La Hidrosfera Terreste

For Teachers 9th - 10th
In this site learn about the origin of water on Earth, water in other planets, the molecule of water, the sea water solution, the water on the continents and water and health. It contains many illustrations and 14 interactive activities.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: La Corteza Terreste Y Sus Materiales

For Students 9th - 10th
In this site learn about the structure of the Earth, the Earth's crust, and the usefulness of the earth materials. It contains many illustrations and 15 interactive activities.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: La Tierra: Un Planeta Habitado

For Students 9th - 10th
Find out which factors make life possible on a planet. Learn about the common features and the functions and the diversity of living things, environments, sizes, shapes and means of eating. It contains 19 interactive activities and many...
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: Clasificacion De Los Seres Vivos

For Students 9th - 10th
All known form of life gathers in large groups, which are called kingdoms. This site provides a thorough overview of the five kingdoms with many illustrations. The lessons contain 15 interactive activities.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: El Reino Vegetal

For Students 9th - 10th
In this lesson you will learn to understand better the different plants in your environment, its characteristics and its presence in our daily lives. Learn how important the plants are for the survival of all ecosystems in the world and...
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: El Reino Animal

For Students 9th - 10th
Learn about the animal kingdom including an in-depth look at body characteristics, reproduction, types of cells, ways they obtain food, and evolutionary relationships. Many illustrations and nine interactive activities are included.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: La Energia Del Planeta

For Students 9th - 10th
Find out about the energy inside our planet. Where does it come from? How does it work? What are the effects?
Lesson Plan
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: Los Materiales Terreste. Minerales Y Rocas

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Explore the world of rocks and minerals and the usefulness of these earth materials.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: Las Funciones De Los Seres Vivos

For Students 9th - 10th
This unit will present to you some of the vital role of all living beings: nurture, communication and reproduction.
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: El Mantenimiento De La Especie

For Students 9th - 10th
Learn about animal and plant reproduction: similarities and differences, coordination, relationship and adaptation.
Lesson Plan
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: La Transferencia De Energia en Los Ecosistemas

For Teachers 9th - 10th
Learn about the transfer of energy in the ecosystem.
Lesson Plan
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: Los Seres Vivos Y El Medio Ambiente

For Teachers 9th - 10th
What is ecology? What is a biome? You will find the answers to these questions in this unit and also learn about the organization of the Biosphere, major Biomes of the earth and the adaptations of living things to limiting factors. It...
Lesson Plan
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: Los Seres Vivos Unicelulares Y Pluricelulares

For Teachers 9th - 10th
For this unit you will be introduced to the complexity of living things. It also reviews the kingdom of nature, differentiating between their main features from those who are microscopic unit-cellular to the multi-cellular visible to the...
Lesson Plan
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: La Leyes De La Herencia

For Teachers 9th - 10th
In this unit students will identify different kinds of genetic traits and how they are passed on from generation to generation. It contains 18 interactive activities.
Lesson Plan
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: Genetica Humana

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This is a great unit on human genetics. It contains 17 interactive activities.
Lesson Plan
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: La Dinamica De Los Ecosistemas

For Teachers 9th - 10th
This unit shows how ecosystems change over time and how matter and energy, which are essential to its operation, are transformed and passed from one living thing to another forming, in some cases, authentic cycles. It contains 19...
Unit Plan
National Institute of Educational Technologies and Teacher Training (Spain)

Ministerio De Educacion: Estructura Interna De La Tierra

For Students 9th - 10th
In addition to exploring the inside of the earth, this unit will explore the consequences on the dynamics of the outer layers; it will deepen the knowledge of plate tectonics and the movement of the plates in the past. It includes 16...