Savvas Learning
Area of Squares and Rectangles, Alternative Lesson
Find the area of squares and rectangles and discuss square inches and square centimeters with your young geometers. Follow the example provided, and then let learners try it for themselves! They will find the area of seven rectangles.
Savvas Learning
Multiplying By 2
For this multiplication worksheet, math masters solve 10 fill-in-the-blank problems using the strategy of doubling. Next, answer four questions in which they find a missing factor in a multiplication problem. Finally, they try their...
Savvas Learning
Verb Tense Packet
How do you word questions? Word order in questions is the focus of a 23-page grammar packet designed for ESL/ELD classes. Yes/no questions, information questions, and tag questions are all examined.
Savvas Learning
Chemistry, the Central Science: Electrolysis
This online companion to "Chemistry - The Central Science," a textbook by Prentice-Hall, provides a good introduction to electrolytic cells and electrolysis of aqueous solutions. Practice exercises are also included.
Savvas Learning
Pearson: Government by the People
An easy to follow flow chart that shows how the term "Government by the people," has changed over the years. Make sure to click on each box of information to get a more in depth description.
Savvas Learning
Prentice Hall: Documents Library the Gi Bill of Rights
This site offers some historical background information about the passing of the GI Bill. Also lists the current benefits provided by the bill, along with the main provisions of the GI Bills associated with World War II, the Korean...
Savvas Learning
Pearson Education: Greek and Hellenistic Civilization [Pdf]
This is a summary of chapter three of a textbook on world history. It looks at the contributions of the ancient Greeks to western civilization, the breadth of their civilization in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea regions, and their...
Savvas Learning
Prentice Hall: Proofreader's Marks
One of the more complete lists of proofreader's marks. Includes meanings and examples of their use. Divides marks into seven categories: style of type, position, spacing, insertion and deletion, paragraphing, punctuation, and...
Savvas Learning
Pearson Longman: Sentence Resources for Writers: Commas
A grammar activity/assessment for the high school student on using commas correctly. With ten multiple choice questions that can be submitted to be scored and an essay question.
Savvas Learning
Pearson's the Biology Place: Cell Respiration
This excellent interactive website about cellular respiration provides an overview then goes into the details that can be so difficult to understand. The practice, review, and quiz pages should help solidify understanding.
Savvas Learning
Pearson Longman: Main Points, Support Points, and Specific Details
Part of the Pearson Longman series entitled "Sentence Resources for Writers", this site assesses the high school student's ability to identify main points and develop specific details and support points. Includes ten multiple choice and...
Savvas Learning
Pearson Longman: Sentence Resources for Writers: Overview of Punctuation
A grammar assessment for the high school student to practice recognizing and writing sentences with correct word use, punctuation and mechanics. Includes ten multiple choice questions that can be submitted to be scored and an essay...
Savvas Learning
Concepts of Program Debugging
A chapter from an online book on the concepts of C++ program debugging. Includes steps in debugging a system, with illustration, common debugging situations, with illustration, debugging tools, and the debugging environment.
Savvas Learning
Prentice Hall Science & Math: Graphing Calculator Help
This site provides very complete help guides for a variety of graphing calculator models, complete with pictures and step-by-step instructions.
Savvas Learning
Pearson Education: Economic Opportunity Act of 1964
Read about the many programs included in the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964, a centerpiece of Lyndon Johnson's War on Poverty. See what happened to many of these programs under subsequent presidents.
Savvas Learning
Chemistry: The Central Science/metathesis Reactions
Discussion of metathesis (double replacement) reactions.
Savvas Learning
Chemistry: Central Science Live: Properties of Solutions
This site provides an excellent overview of the solution process. Content includes a focus on how a solution is formed, energy changes and solution formation, spontaneity and disorder, and solution formation and chemical reactions.
Savvas Learning
Chemistry, the Central Science: Enthalpies of Formation
A section from a textbook about enthalpies of formation. Includes practice exercises, a table of enthalpy values, and examples.
Savvas Learning
Changing Views of Free Speech
An easy to follow flow chart that shows how the idea of freedom of speech has changed throughout the years. Make sure to click on each box of information to get a more in depth description.
Savvas Learning
Pearson Education: The Longman Vocabulary Website: Synonyms
The focus of this site is to help students review and strengthen their knowledge of synonyms. This site has beginner, intermediate and advanced sections of exercises.
Savvas Learning
Pearson Education: The Longman Vocabulary Website: Antonyms
This site features antonym exercises. These exercises are divided into beginner, intermediate and advanced levels.
Savvas Learning
Prentice Hall: Elasticity and Fracture
From the Prentice Hall companion web site for the Giancoli Physics textbook. A series of interactive questions on the topic of elasticity and fracture. Questions 11 through 19 pertain to the stress-strain relationship for elastic...
Savvas Learning
Pearson Education: The Neolithic Revolution and the Birth of Civilization [Pdf]
A lesson covering detailed historical accounts of the Neolithic Revolution. The PDF includes key terms, maps, and means for assessment.
Savvas Learning
Pearson Education: Janson's History of Art: Chapter 23: Overview & Activites
An overview of chapter 23 of Janson's History of Art, Seventh Edition, "Art in the Age of the Enlightenment, 1750-1789." Accompanied by online activities based on the chapter, including essay questions, quizzes, and matching activities.