That Quiz
That Quiz: Practice Test: Inequlity
This resource allows users to test their knowledge of inequalities and using fractions.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Practice Test: Fractions & Decimals
This resource allows users to practice mathematical functions with fractions and decimals.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Author's Purpose
In this 10 question, self-grading quiz, students read a topic and label the author's purpose as to inform, entertain, or persuade. The quiz is timed, but not limited.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Biotic or Abiotic? Living or Non Living?
This fun quiz has you choose between different images to decide whether it is biotic or abiotic. It also gives examples through illustrations of abiotic and biotic things.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Probability
An online quiz about probability. Quiz includes a timer, help links, level, and feedback. Teachers can register for free at the site to save students' assignments.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Practice Test: Periodic Table
A matching quiz between the name of the elements and symbol located on the Periodic Table. Students can adjust the level, question style, and type of questions that are asked. Teachers can register for a free account to create their own...
That Quiz
That Quiz: Celulas
Free interactive practice tests aid in learning the Prokaryote Endomembrane system, Cell membrane, Plant cell, Animal cell and Neuron cell. Tests are timed and keep track of right and wrong answers.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Anatomia
Free interactive practice tests, in Spanish, aid in learning the Human Skeleton, Human Skull, Digestive System, Respiratory System, and Venous System. Tests are timed and keep track of right and wrong answers.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Tabla Periodica
Interactive practice tests to learn the Periodic Table. Tests are timed and keep track of right and wrong answers.
That Quiz
Geographia America: That Quiz
Interactive map quiz for those studying the countries of the Americas. Test tracks time and show right and wrong answers.
That Quiz
Geografia Africa: That Quiz: Africa
Interactive practice to learn the countries of Africa. It keeps track of right and wrong answers and the time in which it takes to identify the maps.
That Quiz
Geografia Asia: That Quiz: Asia
Interactive practice test to aid in identifying the countries of Asia on a map. Test is timed and counts right and wrong answers.
That Quiz
Geografia Europa: That Quiz: Europe
Interactive practice to learn the countries of Europe. It keeps track of right and wrong answers and the time in which it takes to identify the maps.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Aritmetica
Interactive practice tests to drill addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Tests are timed and keep track of right and wrong answers.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Fracciones
Interactive practice tests dealing with fractions. Tests are timed and keep track of right and wrong answers.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Reloj
Interactive practice tests dealing with the clock. Students will practice adding and subtracting hours and minutes and converting hours, minutes and seconds.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Triangulos
These interactive activities are designed to examine the mathematical concepts of length, perimeter, and area. These activities may be used to develop students' understanding of these mathematical concepts.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Comparar
These interactive activities are designed to compare different expressions involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Fracciones Y Decimales
These interactives are designed for the student to practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of fractions and decimals.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Dinero
This interactive activity is designed for the student to identify the larger amount of money.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Figuras
This interactive activity is designed for the student to review different geometric planes figures.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Medias
This interactive activity is designed as a review to the concept of mean, median and mode.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Comparar Fracciones Y Decimales
This interactive activity is designed for the students to compare fractions and decimals.
That Quiz
That Quiz: Geometria
These interactive activities are designed to examine the mathematical concepts of area, perimeter, surface area and volume. These activities may be used to develop students' understanding of these mathematical concepts.