University of Arizona
U of a Biology Project: Cell Cycle and Mitosis Tutorial
Poses and answers the question, "What is (and is not) mitosis?" An overview with images of the phases of mitosis, plus a mitosis animation.
University of Arizona
University of Arizona: Biochemistry
Problem sets, tutorials, and activities related to biochemistry.
University of Arizona
The Biology Project: Cell Membrane Tutorial
Great overview of cell membranes. The site presents the information as a tutorial with multiple choice questions to guide the learner. Very well designed site on cell membranes.
University of Arizona
Cell Signaling
Superior site for information on cell signaling. Information provided as a tutorial with multiple choice questions to guide the learner. The site has lots of images and diagrams.
University of Arizona
Ua: Large Molecules Problem Set
Understandable lessons about numerous aspects about the composition, function, and interactions of proteins. Each starts with an interactive quiz and links to a tutorial.
University of Arizona
Biology Project: Karyotyping Activity
If you want an interactive way to practice karyotyping, this is it. There are three patient histories and karyotypes to use in diagnosing human genetic disorders. There is enough information on comparing chromosomes to get you started.
University of Arizona
Biology Project: Karyotyping Activity
Try your hand at matching chromosomes to complete the karyotype in this simulation. Simulation contains karyotyping activity for three different patients and students can explore whether those patients have any genetic disorders.
University of Arizona
University of Arizona: Center for Insect Science Educ.: Grooming Is a Good Thing
Kindergarten students will be thrilled with this mini lesson unit that has them collecting flies in a fly trap, and observing them to learn about the functions of different parts of their bodies and how they groom themselves. They will...
University of Arizona
International Studies Association: Mobilizing Public Support for War
A scholarly look at the use of propaganda to influence American support for World War I once the country entered the fray. Read about the Committee on Public Information, examples of harassment of those not deemed sufficiently patriotic,...
University of Arizona
The Biology Project: Molecular Genetics of Prokaryotes
Interactive resource provides a problem set in which you will work with the types of genetic and biochemical information used to unravel the inner workings of the lac operator-repressor regulation system. Correct answers are reinforced...
University of Arizona
The Biology Project: Nucleic Acids Problem Set
Interactive resource provides students with an opportunity to work through a problem set over nucleic acids. Correct answers are reinforced with a brief explanation. Incorrect answers are linked to tutorials to help solve the problem.
University of Arizona
The Biology Project: Meiosis Tutorial: Problems
Do you understand the process of meiosis? Test your knowledge of meiosis with these problems.
University of Arizona
Hydroponic Tomatoes: Hydroponic Information
An extensive site that is ostensibly a hydroponics experiment for educating the reader about hydroponics, but it is packed with history and information. Click on the tomato to get started.
University of Arizona
University of Arizona: Usa Customs and Culture Tips
Comprehensive look at the customs and cultures in the United States. Presented as a resource for ESL students but is an excellent source for any teacher or student.
University of Arizona
University of Arizona: Arizona Mesa: Problem Solving Lesson Plans [Pdf]
Website includes lesson plans for high school problem-solving projects. Lesson plans are very detailed and include introduction to activity, timeline, and closure activity. Also included are student handouts. This website also contains a...
University of Arizona
University of Arizona: Department of Astronomy and Steward Observatory
The University of Arizona operates Steward Observatory research website and the Department of Astronomy academic website.
University of Arizona
University of Arizona Library: Chicago Manual of Style
Good site for learning how to use Chicago Manual of Style. Gives examples on how to cite books, journals, newspapers or online articles, lectures, interviews, e-mail and websites. Also contains links to MLA Style Manual, APA Publication...
University of Arizona
Ua: Carbohydrate Metabolism Regulation Problem Set
This site provides information on carbohydrate metabolism regulation through a quiz set-up. Answer each question, and the correct answers will be presented, complete with a full tutorial.
University of Arizona
The Biology Project: Genetic Drift: An Explanation
This explanation of genetic drift is straightforward and easy to understand. Illustrations are provided to help visual learners
University of Arizona
University of Arizona: Genetic Drift Simulation
This site from the University of Arizona runs a two-step simulation of Genetic Drift. There are teacher's notes included. A great site to aid in understanding Genetic Drift.
University of Arizona
Environmental Tobacco Smoke and Lung Development Activity
An interactive activity designed for you understand the scientific method and how to analyze your data. A step-by-step and personalized experiment geared toward the topic of toxicology.
University of Arizona
Pulse: From Global to City Air: Air Quality, City Design and Disease
Students are challenged to design a healthy city in this unit plan. The cross-curricular unit covers content standards for ninth grade in science, language arts, world geography, and math. Students explore air quality and the impact it...
University of Arizona
Pulse: Disease & Epidemics: Architects of History
A 10 week interdisciplinary unit plan on disease and epidemics.
University of Arizona
Pulse: Health Friendly Energy Production
A cross curricular project where students conduct a moot court to explore the role government policy plays in protecting our health. The focus of the unit is how our power effects our environmental health. Students use their knowledge of...