Earning Money
Where does money come from? Is it limitless and always available? Introduce your youngsters to the concept of earning through jobs and/or chores with a matching activity and provided worksheets.
Making Spending Decisions
By role playing real-world experiences, such as purchasing snacks and grocery/toy store shopping, your youngsters will begin to develop an understanding of how to make decisions and choose between alternatives. This is the first...
Allowances and Spending Plans
Help youngsters understand how to manage small amounts of money by discussing an allowance and the difference between spending, saving, and giving.
Consumer Privacy
The availability of personal financial information is of greater importance now than ever before. Your pupils will discuss how public and private records are accessed by various organizations, particularly considering direct mail, credit...
In Trouble
What are some of the financial risks associated with using credit? Pupils learn the warning signs of incurring financial hardship, and through PowerPoint presentations, worksheets, and discussion, discover the...
Saving and Investing
Impress upon your young adults the importance of saving and investing, and give them a foundational vocabulary from which they can continue to build their financial literacy. This lesson plan covers short- and long-term budget goals,...
Consumer Awareness
Help your pupils become wise consumers and avoid becoming targets for consumer scams and fraud. Here you'll find a PowerPoint presentation, instructional guidelines, worksheets, and suggested activities for developing shopper strategies...
The Influence of Advertising
Pupils become informed consumers and citizens with this lesson on the influence of advertising, identifying basic advertising techniques and discriminating between fact and claim in modern advertisements and commercials.
Cars and Loans
What's the best way to pay for a car? Should I buy used or new? Can I realistically afford a car? Pupils discover the ins and outs of buying a car, from how to shop for car insurance to the advantages and...
Credit Cards
Choosing your first credit card can often be an intimidating and confusing experience for young adults. Give your pupils the foundational knowledge they need for tackling this process head-on, including learning to...
Banking Services
From writing and depositing checks to comparing ATM and debit cards, pupils develop financially savvy practices and build foundational knowledge of the financial service products available through banking institutions.
Buying a Home
What is the difference between buying and renting a home? Learners become more informed consumers and financially literate adults after developing foundational knowledge of the home-buying process.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a credit card? Don't miss this important life skills and financial literacy lesson, which focuses on consumer responsibilities, creditworthiness, and establishing a credit history.
Living On Your Own
Learners gain a realistic understanding of what is required for independent living. They begin by setting up a budget based on needs and lifestyle, and then use worksheets and a presentation to practice such skills as reading a...
The Art of Budgeting
Class members learn how to set up and maintain a personal budget through discussion, financial planning worksheets, and a brief PowerPoint presentation.
Making Money
From evaluating the current employment market to building a resume, pupils are introduced to the wide and varied elements of career planning.
Money Responsibility
Introduce young learners to the important life skill of responsibly managing money and recording how much they spend and save.
Making Decisions
What economic factors can influence personal and financial decisions? In an effort to understand opportunity costs and the time value of money, pupils engage in role-playing activities and discussion, as well as view a PowerPoint...
A Way to Wealth: Understanding Interest and Investments
Money motivates! Help young bankers understand how math plays a part in investing. Give learners math practice while instilling real-world financial literacy skills.
What is Money?
Students identify the names of coins and grasp their relative values in terms of purchasing power. They engage in activities and games that help them acquire this knowledge.