Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: The Four Holy Men by Durer

For Students 9th - 10th
This resoucre contains a picture of Albrecht Durer's painting, "The Four Holy Men", and contains information on it. Biographical information is also available for Durer.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Parmigianino

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource includes images of some of Parmigianino's most famous paintings including "Madonna with the Long Neck." It includes a biography of the artist.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Holbein, Hans the Younger

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource contains links to works by Hans Holbeins the Younger, including images of portraits of Henry VIII and his family.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Holbein, Hans the Younger

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource provides a biography of Hans Holbein the Younger with links to some of his works and to other artists of his time.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Paintings Between 1581 and 1585 by El Greco

For Students 9th - 10th
This resource provides images of paintings between 1581 and 1585 by El Greco. The images can be enlarged. It includes a link to a biography on El Greco.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Michelangelo Buonarroti

For Students 9th - 10th
Links to Michelangelo's sculptures, paintings, drawings, and architectural works including the frescoes in the Sistine Chapel.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Bruegel, Pieter the Elder

For Students 9th - 10th
Link to images of Pieter Bruegel the Elder's most famous paintings including "The Blind Leading the Blind."
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Piero Di Cosimo

For Students 9th - 10th
This site provides links to images of some of Piero Di Cosimo's famous works including his frescoes in the Sistine Chapel.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: The Great Schism

For Students 9th - 10th
This site contains a breif entry on what the Great Schism was. It discusses the causes, what happened during the Schism, how it was resolved, and what its repercussions were.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Representations of the Pieta

For Students 9th - 10th
Did you know Michelangelo created several pietas? "Pieta" is an Italian word used to describe an image of the Virgin Mary mourning her dead son. The Web Gallery of Art showcases multiple reproductions of Michelangelo's works on this...
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: The Holy Family

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from the Web Gallery of Art provides a digitized image of this famous painting by Michelangelo. Includes some notes on the background of the painting and the artist's style. A link to a page containing a biography about...
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Brunelleschi, Filippo

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from the Web Gallery of Art provides a biographical sketch of Brunelleschi, a "Florentine architect [and] one of the initiators of the Italian Renaissance." Includes links to related information and to images of his artwork.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Masaccio

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from the Web Gallery of Art provides a biographical sketch on Masaccio, "the first great painter of the Italian Renaissance." Includes link to related information and to examples of Massacio's artwork.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Tomb of Pope Julius Ii by Michelangelo

For Students 9th - 10th
The Web Gallery of Art contains high-quality images of sculptures from Pope Julius II's tomb by Michelangelo. Each thumbnail image can be enlarged by clicking on it. Includes a link to a biography of Michelangelo.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Francois Clouet: King Charles Ix of France

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from the Web Gallery of Art provides a portrait of the young King Charles IX of France by Francois Clouet painted in 1572. Includes link to a biography.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Leonardo Da Vinci

For Students 9th - 10th
A superb online collection of Leonardo's art. View many of his masterworks at this site, along with drawings, paintings, and inventions. Each reproduction includes a short commentary. A detailed biography is included, with embedded links...
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Index of Artists

For Students 9th - 10th
Go directly to an A-to-Z index of the names of hundreds of European artists from which you can link to artist biographies, sample artwork, and useful analyses. Also available are "tours" or curated collections of which focus on specific...
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Spanish Architectural Sculptures

For Students 9th - 10th
View magnificent Spanish sculptures from different centuries at the Web Gallery of Art. Click on the sculpture for a larger viewing and detailed information on the particular sculpture.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin

For Students 9th - 10th
This site is an enlargeable image of The Virgin of Chancellor Rolin (also known as The Modonna of Chancellor Rolin) with helpful analytical commentary explaining details of the painting and their significance. There is a link to a...
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Toledo Cathedral

For Students 9th - 10th
A good site with a decent amount of information on Toledo Cathedral, as well as a photograph of the front and an amazing view of the altar.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Paintings by Pieter Bruegel, the Elder

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from the Web Gallery of Art contains a listing of paintings by Bruegel the Elder, including "The Blind Leading the Blind". Also included is a link to a detailed biography of Pieter the elder.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Holbein, Hans, the Younger

For Students 9th - 10th
A portrait of Henry VIII's fourth wife, Anne of Cleves, was commissioned from Hans Holbein the Younger. This describes the portrait, as well what it cost Holbein's career to paint a flattering picture of her.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Andrea Mantegna

For Students 9th - 10th
Shows photos of Mantegna's most famous paintings. The site has two links. One has paintings from before 1471, and the other has paintins from after 1471. Can be enlarged.
Web Gallery of Art

Web Gallery of Art: Caravaggio

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from the Web Gallery of Art contains an in-depth biography as well as the artist's works in different time periods. A great site to check out on the subject.