Wyzant: Richard M. Nixon
Brief biography of Richard M. Nixon, with links to important speeches he made.
Wyzant: Barack Obama
Biographical information on President Barack Obama including link to footage of his 2009 Inaugural Address.
Wyzant: Ronald Reagan
Brief biographical material on Ronald Reagan includes several speeches given during his lifetime.
Wyzant: Robert F Kennedy, Aka "Bobby" Kennedy
Overview of the life and political career of Robert Kennedy, with links to Kennedy's eulogy to Martin Luther King, Jr. and a speech given in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.
Wyzant: George Wallace
Overview of the life and career of George Wallace. Link to Wallace's Segregation Now speech.
Wyzant: Chief Justice Earl Warren
Website presenting a brief overview on Chief Justice Earl Warren. With link to audio of Warren's eulogy to JFK.
Wyzant: History and Politics Outloud: Famous Speeches
Featured is a searchable archive of politically significant audio materials for scholars, teachers, and students. All audio is relevant to American history and politics and is searchable by title, speaker, date, or subject.
Wyzant: History and Politics Outloud: The Cuban Missile Crisis, October 18 29, 1962
Provides in-depth information about the Cuban Missile Crisis. Includes a 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis timeline and audio clips.
Wyzant: Negative Fractions, Decimals, and Percents
Demonstrates how to perform arithmetic operations with negative fractions, mixed numbers, decimals, and percents. Includes ten practice questions.
Wyzant: Chemistry: Terms
This lesson provides a list of chemical terms, defines them, and uses examples to describe and explain each. These include allotropes, ionic compounds, methane, carbon dioxide, alkali flats, blue vitriol, and others.
Wyzant: Calculator Index
These WyzAnt online graphing utilities help you calculate just about anything in algebra, including solving linear and quadratic equations to factoring polynomials. This a great tool for checking homework.
Wyzant: Combining Like Terms
Provides a thorough step-by-step approach to combining like terms. Takes the student through important vocabulary used, as well as examples to help explain the topic. Several pages of notes are offered along with relevant links at the end.
Wyzant: Substitution
Students learn how substitution works and can practice problems using a substitution calculator.
Wyzant: Simplifying Negative Exponents
Students investigate how to simplify negative exponents. The resource consists of lessons with examples and a worksheet to check for comprehension.
Wyzant: Simplifying Fractions With Negative Exponents
The tutorial illustrates how to simplify negative exponents. Students review the lesson and then check for understanding by completing the practice problems.
Wyzant: Factoring a Gcf From an Expression
The tutorial explains how to factor a greatest common factor from an expression. The resource includes a lesson with examples, practice problems, and an expression-factoring calculator.
Wyzant: Solve by Factoring
This resource examines how to solve equations by factoring and provides step-by-step solutions. Includes links to an equation calculator and practice problems.
Wyzant: Simplifying Multiple Positive or Negative Signs
Students learn how to simplify multiple positive or negative signs. The resource consists of lessons with examples, a combining like terms calculator, an equation calculator, and a worksheet to check for comprehension.
Wyzant: Simplifying Using the Distributive Property
Students investigate how to simplify using the distributive property. The resource consists of lessons with examples, an expression simplifying calculator, and a worksheet to check for comprehension.
Wyzant: Completing the Square
The resource examines the algebra topic of completing the square. Students learn how to complete the square by reading the lesson and test their knowledge with practice problems. The resource includes a completing the square calculator.
Wyzant: Factoring Completely
The resource examines the algebra topic of solving equations. Students view the tutorial to review how to solve by factoring. The lesson consists of the greatest common factor, difference between two squares, and trinomial techniques. An...
Wyzant: Simplifying Variables With Negative Exponents
The tutorial illustrates how to simplify variables with negative exponents. Students review the lesson and then check for understanding by completing the practice problems.
Wyzant: Factoring a Difference Between Two Squares Lessons
Several examples are presented to demonstrate how to factor a polynomial that is a difference of two squares. The online worksheet helps for extra practice.