Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Oceans Alive: Whale Dreams
You can click on whale spotting in Australia, types of whales, global whale sanctuary and whale songs. View maps and diagrams that can help you spot whales.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Chile Earthquake: Christmas Day Quake Forces Evacuations
Southern Chile is rattled by a magnitude-7.6 earthquake, forcing thousands of people to evacuate coastal areas.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News: World Powers Condemn Mauritanian Coup
World nations have condemned the military leaders responsible for the coup in Mauritania. Promises have been made that new elections will take place soon. Details behind the coup are reviewed. (August 7,2008)
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Monsters of the Deep: Tons of Tentacles
Read about octopuses and squids. Learn about their tentacles and other parts of the body.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Ockham's Razor: Hypatia of Alexandria
The details of Hypatia's life and tragic death are given in this transcript of a radio talk show, using a satirical twist: "why girls shouldn't do mathematics."
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: A Selected History of Australia
Click on any decade from the 1900s to the present to see major news headlines in Australia for any year since 1900.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Milky Way Has an Extra Sweeping Arm
From ABC News in Science, this article discusses the shape of the Milky Way Galaxy and the presence of an additional arm attached to the galaxy.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Galaxy Spinning the Wrong Way
From ABC News in Science, this February 2002 article revolves around findings posted by images from the Hubble Space Telescope which suggest a spiral galaxy spinning in an opposite direction than expected.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Titan Reveals Its Mysterious Surface
From ABC News in Science, Heather Catchpole's article discusses the scientific research extending, for the first time, beyond the atmosphere of Saturn's moon, Titan, and onto Titan's surface.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Saturn's Rings May Be Eroding
From ABC News in Science, Dan Whitcomb's article uses research from the Cassini spacecraft to suggest the possibility of the erosion of Saturn's rings, meaning that they will cease to exist in 100 million years.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Saturn's Rings Show Surprising Features
From ABC News in Science, this article discusses research conducted by the Cassini spacecraft in regard to Saturn's rings which some scientists suggest could lead to information regarding the "birth of the entire solar system."
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Boy Sharks Roam, Girls Stay Home
From ABC News in Science, this article examines the gender role within the shark kingdom. The research is connected to the Great White Shark and it suggests that only the male shark roams, while the females stays close to home.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Tales of Terror Spiders Still Haunt Us
From ABC News in Science, Anna Salleh's article explores the research of Dr Geoffrey Isbister and his work with facts and myths surrounding spider bites.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Hurricanes Hit Harder, More Often, but Why?
From ABC News in Science, Guy Clavel's article deals with research by French scientists which suggests that hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere will continue to intensify in severity.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Climate Change Boosting Flood and Drought
From ABC News in Science, this article deals primarily with the affect on severe weather brought about by climate change. The article also deals with the risk brought about by this severe weather.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Dogs Really Do Look Like Their Owners
From ABC News in Science, Anna Salleh's article discusses the findings of a U.S. study related to dogs looking like their owners. The study also deals with the purebred vs. mongrel issue in choosing a dog.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Dogs Do Have Personalities
From ABC News in Science, Jennifer Viegas's article deals specifically with the issue personality and its manifestation in dogs. The article utilizes findings from the research of Professor Samuel Gosling.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: Why Oceans?
This site, which is provided for by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, gives an article on the importance of the ocean. Everyone on earth depends upon the oceans. Learn why oceans are important and what Australia is doing to help...
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Alcohol and Cirrhosis
This site, which is provided for by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, gives an article entitled "The good and bad and the cirrhosis." The article discusses the good and bad effects of alcohol consumption.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: A New Island Is Born in the Pacific
From ABC News in Science, this brief article explores the formation of a new volcanic island as found by scientists exploring the Solomon Islands.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Bats Use Compass for Long Trips
From ABC News in Science, this article discusses research connected to the tracking of several big brown bats as they headed back to their homes. The experiment utilized several magnetic fields in attempts to disrupt the paths taken by...
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Vesuvius (World's Most Dangerous Volcano)
An article outlines the reasons why Vesuvius should be considered the world's most dangerous volcano.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Secrets of the Sun's Sizzling Corona
From ABC News in Science, Larry O'Hanlon's article on the sun's corona covers information related to the inner workings of the sun. Several included topics are "Sound makes heat" and "Reaching the surface."
Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Australian Broadcasting Corporation: News in Science: Walking Upright Started in Trees
From ABC News in Science, Will Dunham's article on orangutans covers topics related to the evolutionary process of "bipedal walking," or walking on two legs instead of four.