Vassar College

Vassar College: 1896: Populist Party Platform

For Students 9th - 10th
This 1896, Website of Political Cartoons page presents the People's (Populist) Party platform of 1896. The platform discusses the finances, railroads and telegraphs, the public lands, the referendum, the territories, public salaries,...
Vassar College

Vassar: 1896: The Presidential Campaign: Cartoons and Commentary

For Students 9th - 10th
This extensive site from the Vassar College on the 1896 presidential election includes links to cartoons, parties and platforms, leaders, campaign themes, and special features.
Vassar College

Vassar College: 1896: Socialism

For Students 9th - 10th
This website from Vassar College for Political Cartoons offers a look at Socialism in 1896 with special attention to the thoughts of Eugene V. Debs.
Vassar College

1896: The Republican Party

For Students 9th - 10th
From the comprehensive Vassar College project about the politics of 1896, this article relates the state of the Republican Party in that year and its party platform for the election of 1896.
Vassar College

1896: Inventions

For Students 9th - 10th
A brief recounting of the influx of inventions in the late 19th century that flooded the market. Of particular interest is the description of the use of hot air balloons.
Vassar College

1896: Hanna, the Republicans, and Labor

For Students 9th - 10th
Mark Hanna, William McKinley's campaign manager in the campaign of 1896, was an enigmatic political figure. Read about his supposed support of the working man, contrasted with his appeal to prominent businessmen in soliciting their...
Vassar College

Vassar: Excerpts From Speech Given by l.b.johnson

For Students 9th - 10th
Read excerpts from a 1965 speech at John Hopkins University offering Johnson's justification of the escalation of U.S. involvement in Vietnam.
Vassar College

Vassar College: Nixon's Speech on "Vietnamization"

For Students 9th - 10th
Here at this site from Vassar College you will find the full text of President Nixon's Speech on "Vietnamization" (11/3/69).
Vassar College

Vassar College: President Nixon's Speech on Cambodia

For Students 9th - 10th
Text of the speech made by President Richard Nixon on April 30, 1970 announcing attacks on the Cambodian-Vietnamese border.
Vassar College

Vassar College: Excerpts From Paris Accords

For Students 9th - 10th
Excerpts from the text of this cease-fire agreement. Read the full-text agreement that ended the Vietnam War.
Vassar College

Vassar: National Liberation Front of South Vietnam

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from Vassar University contains the platform of North Vietnam's communist party, the National Liberation Front, with a call for reunification of North and South Vietnam.
Vassar College

Vassar College: Vassar Innovators: Nancy Harkness Love

For Students 9th - 10th
A profile of Nancy Harkness Love, who was instrumental in the founding of the Women's Airforce Service Pilots, or WASPs.
Vassar College

Vassar College: 1896: Tom Watson

For Students 9th - 10th
Tells about Watson's early life and involvement with the Farmers' Alliance in addition to later information about the 1896 Populist Party Presidential campaign.
Vassar College

Vasser College: 1896: Popular Amusements

For Students 9th - 10th
This 1896, A Website of Political Cartoons site lists concerts, lectures, travelling shows, opera houses, circuses, and more as popular amusements during the Gilded Age
Vassar College

1896: William Mc Kinley

For Students 9th - 10th
Biographical information and pictures are combined with excerpts from newspapers of the day.
Vassar College

Vassar College: 1896: The Silver Party

For Students 9th - 10th
This site from the Vassar College gives an account of the Silver Party and related articles from that time.