A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: West Highland Terrier
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the West Highland Terrier.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Western Gorilla (Gorilla Gorilla)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the Gorilla Gorilla, otherwise known as the Western Gorilla.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Western Lowland Gorilla (Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the Gorilla Gorilla Gorilla, otherwise known as the western lowland gorilla.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Whale Shark (Rhincodon Typus)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the Rhincodon Typus, otherwise known as the whale shark.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Whippet
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the whippet.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: White Faced Capuchin (Cebus Capucinus)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the Cebus Capucinus, otherwise known as the white faced capuchin.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium Simum)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the Ceratotherium simum, otherwise known as the white rhinoceros.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: White Tiger (Panthera Tigris Tigris)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the Panthera tigris tigris, otherwise known as the white tiger.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Wild Boar (Sus Scrofa)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the Sus scrofa, otherwise known as the wild boar.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Wildebeest (Connochaetes Taurinus)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the Connochaetes Taurinus, otherwise known as the wildebeest.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Wolf (Canis Rufus)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the canis rufus, otherwise known as the wolf.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Wolverine (Gulo Gulo)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the gulo gulo, otherwise known as the wolverine.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Wombat (Vombatus Ursinus)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the vombatus ursinus, otherwise known as the wombat.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Woodlouse (Oniscidea)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the oniscidea, otherwise known as the woodlouse.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Woodpecker (Picidae)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the picidae, otherwise known as the woodpecker.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Woolly Mammoth (Mammuthus Primigenius)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the mammuthus primigenius, otherwise known as the woolly mammoth.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Woolly Monkey (Lagothrix Lagotricha)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the lagothrix lagotricha, otherwise known as the woolly monkey.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Wrasse (Labridae)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the labridae, otherwise known as the wrasse.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: X Ray Tetra (Pristella Maxillaris)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the pristella maxillaris, otherwise known as the x-ray tetra.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Yak (Bos Grunniens)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the bos grunniens, otherwise known as the yak.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Yellow Eyed Penguin (Megadyptes Antipodes)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the megadyptes antipodes, otherwise known as the yellow-eyed penguin.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Yorkshire Terrier
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the yorkshire terrier.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Zebra (Equus Zebra)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the equus zebra, otherwise known as the zebra.
A-Z Animals
A Z Animals: Animal Facts: Zebra Shark (Stegostoma Fasciatum)
This entry identifies the defining characteristics of the stegostoma fasciatum, otherwise known as the zebra shark.