Quia: There's More to Character Than Meets the Eye
Play a matching game by joining each type of character with its definition.
Quia: Short Story Elements: Definitions
Play a matching game by joining each plot element with its definition or example.
Quia: 7th Grade Science Vocabulary Ecology Matching
Play a matching game by joining each ecology vocabulary word with its definition.
Quia: Comprehension: Fact or Opinion? Game #2
Read each sentence and determine whether it is a fact or an opinion in this thirty-question quiz.
Quia: 5th Grade Drawing Conclusions
Read a short text and then choose an appropriate inference or conclusion in this five-question quiz.
Quia: 3rd Grade Main Idea
Read a short text and then choose the correct main idea in this three-question quiz.
Quia: Point of View Quiz
Read each statement and determine whether it shows first or third person point of view in this ten-question quiz.
Quia: Context Clues
Read each sentence and use context clues to choose the meaning of the bolded word in this ten-question quiz.
Quia: Comprehension: Fact or Opinion Game #3
Read each sentence and determine whether it is a fact or an opinion in this thirty-question quiz.
Quia: What Can You Infer?
Choose the correct inference for each statement in this fifteen-question quiz.
Quia: Compare and Contrast
Answer questions comparing and contrasting two short texts in this five-question quiz.
Quia: Author's Purpose Popups
Read each text description and determine if its purpose would be to entertain, inform, or persuade in this five question quiz.
Quia: What Can You Infer #2
Read each short text and make an inference in this twelve-question quiz.
Quia: Sequencing Making a Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich (7 Steps)
Uncover the hidden picture by putting the steps in order to make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in this sequencing game.
Quia: Sequencing Making a Snowman (5 Steps)
Uncover the hidden picture by putting the steps in order to make a snowman in this sequencing game.
Quia: Sequencing Making Cookies (9 Steps)
Reveal the picture by putting the steps of making chocolate chip cookies in order in this sequencing game.
Quia: Author's Purpose Quiz
Read each selection and determine the author's purpose or point of view in this ten-question quiz.
Quia: The Elements of Plot
Complete each definition by typing the plot element into the correct box in this ten-question quiz.
Quia: Character Terms
Complete each sentence by typing the correct character word into each box in this ten-question quiz.
Quia: Fact and Opinion
Read each sentence and determine whether it is fact or opinion in this ten question quiz.
Quia: Point of View Quiz
Read each passage and determine if it is written in first, second, or third person point of view in this five question quiz.
Quia: Main Idea 7th Grade Unit 1
Read a short text and then determine the main idea in this five question quiz.
Quia: Reading Detective Drawing Conclusions 7
Read a short text and then choose the correct inference or conclusion in this four question quiz.
Quia: Context Clues Millionaire Game
Read each sentence and use context clues to determine the meaning of the underlined word in this Rags to Riches style game.