Arizona State University
Jaie: What Are New Horizons?
This site from Journal of American Indian Education provides a 1965 speech by the chairman of President Johnson's Task Force on Indian Poverty, describes the future of the American Indian.
Arizona State University
Jaie: Will We Meet the Challenge?
This site from Journal of American Indian Education provides the 1964 speech presented to the Governor's Interstate Indian Council describes reservation conditions and prospects, in light of the War on Poverty.
Arizona State University
Social Class and Educational Level on the Reservation
This article, written in 1970, thoroughly discusses the relationship between social class and education on an Indian reservation.
Arizona State University
Arizona State University: Black History Month Exhibit: Anti Slavery Literature
Exhibit displays and explains literature relating to the antislavery movement.
Arizona State University
Arizona State University: Symmetrical Design
Here, at this site from the Arizona State University, is a simple lesson plan for math or art teachers in the primary grades. Students create their own symmetrical design based on Pennsylvania barn signs. Also has a link to a site with...
Arizona State University
Arizona State University: Special Birds
This site from the Arizona State University provides a lesson plan for art or science teachers to introduce the physical parts of a bird, using the artwork of James Audubon. Students create their own artwork using the techniques they...
Arizona State University
Arizona State Univ.: The Art of Illustrator Eric Carle
This site from the Arizona State University contains a lesson plan for first grade art or reading teachers. Introduces students to the concept of "Warm and cool colors." Students use the art of Eric Carle as inspiration to create their...
Arizona State University
Arts Work: Theater Criticism
A solid approach to the basics of viewing and evaluating a dramatic experience, including theater, film, and television. Covers description, analysis, interpretation, and evaluation in the context of theater.
Arizona State University
Epaa: Critical Evaluation for Education Reform
Gisele Waters of Auburn University here discusses her view of how academic evaluation has only in the last four decades developed as a government function and academic discipline. She also examines the role that Lyndon Johnson's Great...
Arizona State University
Jaie: Indian Alcoholism and Education
This article from Journal of American Indian Education focuses on the problem of alcoholism in the Native American population and looks to improved Indian education to improve the problem.
Arizona State University
Jaie: Community and School Service
This 1968 article from Journal of American Indian Education discusses the pioneer Indian school, Rough Rock Demonstration School, in which the reservation was given control of its own school.
Arizona State University
Arizona State Universtiy: Aerospace Engineering
This resource provides information on the Arizona State University Aerospace Engineering program, including information on research.
Arizona State University
Arizona State University: Keepin' It Real
This resource describes an organization dedicated to informing young people how to say no to drugs. It includes several articles, curriculum, and links for more information.
Arizona State University
Arizona State University School of Life Sciences: A Nervous Experiment
How do you know when your hand touches something? How do you know if something brushes against your shoulder? Think about your fingertip, arm, and back. In which of these places might your nerves be closer together? Review the concept of...
Arizona State University
Arizona State University School of Life Sciences: Beetle Dissection
Have you ever wanted to see what is inside of a beetle? Each of the images provided here is from Mecynnorrhina torquata beetles unless otherwise specified. Students are able to dissect beetles with the scalpel tool to expose new parts of...
Arizona State University
Arizona State University School of Life Sciences: Viral Attack
There are battles that are fought each day on the planet. The invading forces are those of viruses and bacteria. Left alone they would take over and destroy every cell! It is up to some key defense systems to battle and destroy these...
Arizona State University
Arizona State University: Cell Differentiation
Read about the fascinating science of cell differentiation.
Arizona State University
Arizona State University: Coloring Pages and Worksheets in Life Sciences
Collection of coloring pages and worksheets featuring different areas of biology and fun facts. Print pages out to color or download and color online.
Arizona State University
Arizona State University: What Is Photosynthesis?
This site provides links to many good sites covering the complex concept of photosynthesis.
Arizona State University
Asu School of Life Sciences: Monster Manual
Here is the place where you can build your own monster. All living things, including monsters, have an instruction manual for building and making their bodies work. These instructions use a special code, most often known as a genetic...
Arizona State University
Arts Work: What Is the Career for Me?
Information on careers in the arts presented in a series of click-through pages that include an interests inventory, interviews with working artists, and links to related sites. Also includes suggestions for teachers about how to discuss...
Arizona State University
Arts Work: What Artists Do
Find an eclectic list of arts-related careers--from book illustrator to puppeteer--with short write-ups in which practitioners explain what their careers are like.
Arizona State University
Arts Work: Communicating Feelings Through Shape & Color
A lesson plan to help learners understand the use of symbols and images to express their feelings through their artwork. A great lesson plan to boost students' self esteem. Has a link to a site with examples of Kandinsky's work.
Arizona State University
Arts Work: Communicating Feelings Through Shape & Color
A lesson plan to help students understand the use of symbols and images to express their feelings through their artwork. A great lesson plan to boost students' self esteem. Has a link to a site with examples of Kandinsky's work.