British Council
Unit 5: Making Arrangements
Are future entrepreneurs prepared to set up a meeting or schedule a conference call? Lesson five of a nine-part series of career education and skills activities focuses on proper punctuation and great grammar in the business world....
British Council
Unit 4: Starting and Finishing Emails
Time to get started, and finish up! Budding business scholars get wise to the ways of beginning and ending e-mails. The fourth lesson in a series of nine career education and skills activities examines formal versus informal ways of...
British Council
Unit 3: Organising Your Emails
Inbox out of control? Let's clean it up! Learners explore the components of an e-mail system during the third lesson in a series of nine that focus on career education and skills. After reading a short passage, individuals identify the...
British Council
Unit 2: Sending and Receiving Emails
You've got mail! Budding business associates practice constructing messages to co-workers during the second of nine career education and skills lessons. Individuals drag and drop the components of emails to enhance their online...
British Council
Smoking Stinks
There are lots of good reasons not to smoke. Make sure your middle and high schoolers understand each and every one with a lesson that prompts them to read anti-smoking posters, note the main points, and write a short response on the...
British Council
Letters Home
When you're writing historical fiction, the past really can become the present — especially if you're writing in the present continuous tense! Cover World War I, verb tenses, censorship, and letter writing with one informative...
British Council
Weather 1
Match weather words with pictures in a weather vocabulary worksheet. Beginning readers look at pictures of various weather patterns and choose/write the word that describes the weather. They create a map and write about the weather...
British Council
Learning English through Short Stories
Use short stories to teach English? Yes! Designed as a professional development opportunity for English language teachers, the ideas in this booklet can easily be adapted to advanced ESL/ELL classes.
British Council
Shakespeare’s Idioms
Lie low. Break the ice. He's a night owl. Idioms, in this case idioms created by Shakespeare, are the focus of resource that includes a PowerPoint presentation, an activity, and a brief lesson, all intended to give kids a chance to...
British Council
Here's a packet filled with suggestions and activities for teaching the alphabet.
British Council
The Christmas Truce
Imagine calling a truce in the middle of a war, singing Christmas carols with the enemy, exchanging gifts, and playing a game of football. Such a thing actually happened. Class members listen the stories of soldiers who experienced...
British Council
Weather 2
Young meteorologists answer questions based on the types of weather they experience in the region they live. They also complete a word search to find weather-related terms.
British Council
British Council Go4 English for Arabic Speakers: Stories
A collection of 20-25 animated stories designed to teach children English. Children can read as they watch and listen, then play a game to see how much they understood. Includes original stories on topics of interest to students...
British Council
British Council: Go4 English: Vocabulary and Grammar for Arabic Speakers
This illustrated and animated site is specifically designed for English language learners whose first language is Arabic. Ask-and-Answer online quizzes and games help students understand various aspects of English grammar and vocabulary,...
British Council
British Council: Go4 English: English for Arabic Speakers
Go4English is a website of the British Council dedicated to teaching English to Arabic-speaking children and adults. It includes lesson plans, self-tests, learning exercises, games, stories, songs, and many more activities and...
British Council
British Council Learn English Central: Listening and Watch
A selection of 20 or so mp3 listening files, with audioscripts, that you can download and play on your computer or portable player. Each comes with a follow-up activity -- these can vary, e.g., an offline writing assignment, online...
British Council
British Council: Uk at the Venice Biennale
An archive (1895 to the present) of photographs, correspondence, artist profiles, recordings, and documents that chronicle Britain's participation in the prestigious international Venice Biennale. Click into a timeline to see art that...
British Council
British Council: Essays: Structure 2
This website provides tips to writing which develops an argument. When writing an essay, show that the writer can construct a coherent argument and employ critical thinking skills, as well as support an argument with evidence.
British Council
British Council: Learn English Kids: No Dogs!
After you listen to and read the story, print out the activities to practice reading comprehension skills. Work on character identification, details, and sequence of events.
British Council
British Council: Learn English Kids: The Princess and the Dragon
Listen to and read along with this story about a princess and a dragon. You can choose the ending to the story. Then print off activities to go along with the story.
British Council
British Council: Learn English Kids: The Ballad of Lisa the Lemur
Listen and follow along to learn about lemurs, their habitat, and the dangers to their habitat.
British Council
British Council: Learn English Kids: The Pirates Song
Listen to a song about pirates and read along. Do the puzzle and print out an activity sheet that not only uses pirate vocabulary, but is also an anagram activity.
British Council
British Council: Learn English Kids: The Lazy Bear
Read along as you listen to an animated story about a bear who sleeps too long; then print words and some activities to do with the story.
British Council
British Council: Learn English Kids: Ten Little Airplanes
Listen to a counting song and print off the lyrics to follow along. A fun way to review counting and numbers with English language learners and/or beginning readers.