Fuel the Brain
Represent Fractions and Make Different Representations of the Same Fraction
Understanding fractions and how big or small each fraction represents is key to solving these story problems. Determine how much pizza was eaten by two different people by asking your mathematician to use their fraction knowledge!
Fuel the Brain
Separate Result Unknown: Addition & Subtraction
Have you done enough chores to earn the right amount of money for the things you want to buy? Have your youngsters use addition and subtraction to determine if Brady and Abigail have enough money to buy their preferred items!
Fuel the Brain
Subtraction and Comparison
Have your class compare amounts by using basic subtraction to solve these story problems.
Fuel the Brain
Compare Fractions and Combine Fractional Parts to Describe a Whole
Given a picture of "crazy hats," your class will have to determine the different fractions associated with different patterns. Your youngsters will continue practicing their fraction skills with the other word story in this worksheet as...
Fuel the Brain
Subtraction (Separation)
Have your young mathematicians practice subtraction with these three story problems. Have your students explain their answer with words, pictures, or numbers.
Fuel the Brain
Solve Problems Using Strategies Such as Modeling and Composing/Decomposing Quantities
Hopefully your students know that motorcycles have two wheels and cars have four. By using this knowledge, they will be able to solve the first tricky story problem in this worksheet. Using methods of modeling and composing and...
Fuel the Brain
Hundreds Board Blanks
Have your young learners enhance their counting skills with this hundred boards worksheet! Your class will get excited when they realize they can write in all the numbers and fill this board up!