Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: Washington d.c. 1800
This article offers personal accounts from Abigail Adams regarding her journey and arrival in the new national capital.
Ibis Communications
Eyewitness to History: Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Rob a Train, 1899
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid are legendary outlaws of the American West who robbed banks and trains. This is an account of their 1899 train robbery as reported in the June 8, 1899 issue of the Buffalo Bulletin.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness: Nero Persecutes the Christians, 64 a.d.
This article provides a general overview of how Emperor Nero laid blame for the burning of Rome onto the Christians and put many to death.
Ibis Communications
Eyewitness to History: Calvin Coolidge Is Sworn in as President, 1923
Calvin Coolidge's account of the night he was hurriedly sworn in as president after the death of President Warren G. Harding.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness: The Crusaders Capture Jerusalem, 1099
This article provides a general overview of the assault and capture of the Christian "Navel of the World."
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: Escape From Slavery, 1838
Excerpts from the narrative of Frederick Douglass' escape from slavery in 1838. Includes photographs and references.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: Battle at Gallipoli, 1915
This article offers a detailed description of the Battle at Gallipoli in 1915 during WWI. Includes maps and photos.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: Gas Attack, 1916
This article provides a description of what a poison gas attack was like.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: The Gibson Girl
The Gibson Girl, an illustration done by Charles Gibson, became a fashion icon in the early 1900s. See some of Gibsons drawings and learn more about this social model for women in the early 20th century.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: The Battle of Gettysburg
This article provides a very detailed account of the Battle of Gettysburg. Content includes a personal account of the battle's aftermath from a teenage girl.
Ibis Communications
Eyewitness to History: The Execution of Nathan Hale
Features background details on Nathan Hale and a narrative on what led to his execution in 1776.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: Kublai Khan in Battle, 1287
This article utilizes the descriptions of Marco Polo to highlight a battle between the great Khan and a rival.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: Battle at Lexington Green, 1775
This first-person, eye-witness account discusses the Battle at Lexington Green was the beginning of the Revolutionary War and the "Shot heard 'round the world." Read details about this famous battle.
Ibis Communications
Eyewitness to History: The Death of President Lincoln, 1865
A detailed description of Lincoln's last day with an eyewitness account of the assassination. Includes information on the trial of Booth's conspirators.
Ibis Communications
Richard the Lionheart Massacres the Saracens, 1191
This article provides a general overview of the slaughter in the desert in which Richard I executed the Muslim defenders of Acre.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: Loose Lips Sink Ships
This site discusses article discusses the rules of conduct regarding disclosure of personal and military information that may have compromised military efforts during World War II.
Ibis Communications
Eyewitness to History: The Doolittle Raid, 1942: America Strikes Back
First-hand account of a pilot who flew on the mission to bomb Tokyo in 1942 as part of the Doolittle Raid.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: Public Enemy #1 John Dillinger
Quick introduction to one of the more famous American criminals of the Great Depression. Vivid descriptions of his meteoric rise to fame paint the picture of a man who lived life dangerously.
Ibis Communications
Eyewitness to History: Encounter With the Texas Rangers, 1876
This firsthand account of an encounter with some of the men from the Texas Rangers, a group of law enforcement officers in nineteenth century Texas.
Ibis Communications
Eyewitness to History: Making Movies, 1920
Firsthand account of the filmimg of director D.W. Griffith's movie Way Down East staring actress Lillian Gish.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: Everyday Life in Ancient Greece (Fourth Century b.c.)
This article provides a glimpse into the everyday life of the ancient Athenians in the words of Xenophon, the Greek historian and pupil of Socrates.
Ibis Communications
Eyewitness to History: America in the 1930s: Great Depression
This history of the Great Depression looks at its effect on American citizens, including the changes to women's societal roles. Includes photographs.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: The Battle of the Little Bighorn, 1876
This article provides detailed information on the Battle of the Little Bighorn, including a first-hand account from George Herendon, a scout for the Seventh Cavalry.
Ibis Communications
Eye Witness to History: Massacre at Wounded Knee, 1890
This article provides information about the Massacre at Wounded Knee. Gives background information on why and how the battle happened and includes a first-hand account of what occurred at the battle from an interpreter for the Army who...