Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Problemas De Holmes 2003
In Spanish. Practice your mental math skills with this site. You will find different activities for every month of the year. Different levels of difficulty and suggested time limit for each activity are also provided.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Problemas De Holmes 2004
In Spanish. Practice your mental math skills with this site. You will find different activities for every month of the year. Different levels of difficulty and suggested time limit for each activity are also provided.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Juego Del Salto De La Rana
In Spanish. This site has two educational games with step by step instructions. It also has a biography of different computers pioneers and an explanation of the decimal and binary system.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: El Golpe De Estado en Chile 1973
In Spanish. This site describes the coup of 1973 in Chile.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: El Holocausto
In Spanish. This site has a brief explanation of the holocaust, different testimonials and fragments of the diary of Ana Frank.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: El Triangulo De Pascal
In Spanish. Find out about the life of Blaise Pascal who discovered the famous Pascal triangle. Use their interactive activities to learn how to fill out the Pascal triangle.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Gabriel Figueroa
In Spanish. Through its 213 films, Gabriel Figueroa established the real value of photography in film. Read about his biography.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Gabriel Figueroa
In Spanish. This site contains biography and a photo gallery of the famous movie director Gabriel Figueroa.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Escritoras De Hispanoamerica
In Spanish. In this site you will find poetry, novel and stories written by different Hispanic Women. Their biographies and a questionnaire are also provided.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Fisica
In Spanish. Several physics topics are presented in this site.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Juegos Numericos
In Spanish. On this page you will find nine different math games. Solutions are also provided.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Cantando La Revolucion
In Spanish. The Mexican Revolution (1910 - 1921) has been widely reported and studied through the songs that stayed in the voice of the people even after the fight ended. Besides having a historical value, it has a cultural and artistic...
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Cuentos Viajeros
In Spanish. You will find eight stories with the author's biographical data and generating questions about issues raised in the stories.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Crucigrama Algebraico
In Spanish. Solve a puzzle by solving 17 algebraic equations, learn some magic with algebra and also learn about the history of algebra.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Caminos Diferentes
In Spanish. This page has a series of "little problems" of recreational algebra. Try to solve them using algebra or common sense and have fun.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Curvas
In Spanish. In this activity you will discover what is a closed curve and an open curve.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Despega Sin Despegar
In Spanish. In these activities you can develop the concept of trajectory. Try to trace the figures without lifting your pencil.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Construye Tu Propio Juego De Tangram
In Spanish. Read about the history of tangram, learn how to build your own game and have fun playing the interactive tangram game.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: 1968
In Spanish. Read about the 1968 student massacre in Mexico prior to the Olympic Games and the lasting effects of the violence many years after the massacre.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Autores a Fondo
In Spanish. This site pays tribute to Mario Benedetti, Jorge Luis Borges and Julio Cortazar and Jose Emilio Pacheco through his poetry and short stories. A biography with a timeline and a questionnaire is also provided.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Arithmetica Obligada
In Spanish. In this activity you will learn how to use parentheses in arithmetic operations. Also practice arithmetic playing with three dice.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Barcos en Alta Mar
In Spanish. Play submarine by using trigonometry, learn the law of sines and cosine, build an instrument to measure angles and distance and find out who was the father of Trigonometry.
Instituto Latinoamericano de la Comunicacion Educativa
Red Escolar: Calendario Perpetuo
In Spanish. Find out what day of the week was any date that falls between January 1, 1801 and December 31, 2036. Read about the history of calendar and play a calendar game.