Lin and Don Donn
Mr Donn: The Inca Empire for Kids
Website presents material for kids and teachers on the history, geography, and culture of the Inca Civilization.
Lin and Don Donn
Lin and Don Donn: Lessons: Aztec
These lesson plans and ideas are designed to teach students about Aztec Indians who ruled much of present-day Mexico before the arrival of the Spanish.
Lin and Don Donn
Lin and Don Donn: Native Americans in Olden Times
Get ideas and a lesson plans for teaching about the Aztec, Inca, and Maya cultures.
Lin and Don Donn
Lin and Don Donn: u.s. History Lessons: Holidays: Valentine's Day
Site provides a short noted about the history of Valentine's Day written for young audiences. Includes links to activities, puzzles, and lesson plans.
Lin and Don Donn
Lin and Don Donn: Native American Lessons & Activities
Lots of information about Native American culture areas. Suggestions for lesson plans and activities focused on Native Americans from two middle-school teachers.
Lin and Don Donn
Lin and Don Donn: Education in Ancient Greece
This personal site gives a description of the kinds of education boys and girls received in early Athens and the reasons for it.
Lin and Don Donn
Ancient Greece for Kids
This page examines education for boys and girls in Sparta, Athens and other Greek cities. It takes the form of an extended piece of writing, with links to further information. It includes information on music and poetry. There are sound...
Lin and Don Donn
Lin and Don Donn: Ancient China
This large site is a personal site from teachers Don and Lin Donn that contains information on life during the Shang & Chou Dynasties. It is divided into sections about: family, ancestor worship, oracle bones, kings and nobles,...
Lin and Don Donn
Lin and Don Donn: Sparta
This site by Lin and Don Donn describes what life in Sparta was like and how it differed from other Greek city-states. This page helps you imagine yourself as a Spartan going to the Olympian games to cheer on your team.