World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Archaeology
Reference page examines archaeology of the past while discussing famous archaeologists and modern archaeological techniques.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Archimedes
Illustrated entry provides an account of the life of Archimedes, a pioneer in the fields of mathematics and engineering.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Ares
Illustrated encyclopedia entry defines and explores how the Greek god of war, Ares, was depicted in Greek mythology and Classical art.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Aria
Examines the history, geography, and people of the area surrounding the Areios River in Afghanistan.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Aristotle
Overview of the life of Greek philosopher Aristotle, with images, a timeline, and links to related content.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Arjuna
Illustrated entry tells the story of Arjuna, a hero in the Indian epic " The Mahabharata".
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Asclepius
Entry delves into the life of the Greek god of medicine, Asclepius, with a discussion on how he was portrayed in mythology and art.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Athena
Resource provides a definition of Athena, Greek goddess of wisdom, war, and the crafts, and describes her place in Greek mythology.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Athenian Democracy
Explores a timeline of the history of government in Ancient Athens.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Asia Minor
Illustrated encyclopedia describes the geographic region in the south-western part of Asia known as Asia Minor. Includes timeline of historical facts and images.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Athens
Encyclopedia entry defines and provides an overview of the ancient greek city of Athens. Includes a timeline of history events and explores its early settlement, government and laws, and culture.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Atlas
Takes a look at the story of the Titan Atlas in Greek Mythology with a focus on his punishment from Zeus and his representation in Greek art.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Augustus
Illustrated encyclopedia tells the story of Augustus Caesar, the first emperor of Rome. Includes a timeline and links to related content.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Aztec Civilization
Entry references the history of the Aztec Empire with a focus on Tenochtitlan, religion, architecture, art, and its eventual collapse.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Aztec Sacrifice
Exploration of the origins and purpose of human sacrifice in ancient Mesoamerica. Includes a timeline and illustrations.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Aztec Warfare
Illustrated encyclopedia entry takes a look at Aztec warfare. It examines their weapons, armour, strategies, 'flowery wars', and the collapse of the Aztecs.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Babylon
Detailed discussion of Babylon, the most famous city from ancient Mesopotamia. Learn about its history, King Hammurabi, the Assyrians, the Chaldeans, Nebuchadnezzar, the Persian conquest, and Babylon's decline.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Bactria
Illustrated encyclopedia entry defines and explores the history of Bactria, a province of the Persian Empire.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Battle of Cannae
Learn details about the Battle of Cannae that took place during the Punic Wars and its aftermath. It was the worst defeat in Roman history.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Battle of Chaeronea
Reference material provides details on one of the most renowned of all Greek battles, the Battle of Chaeronea. Discusses the preliminaries, the battle, and the aftermath.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Battle of Gaugamela
Reference page provides detailed information on the Battle of Gaugamela, the final meeting between Alexander the Great of Macedon and King Darius III of Persia.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Boudicca
Encyclopedia entry explores Boudicca, a queen of the British Celtic Iceni tribe who led an uprising against the occupying forces of the Roman Empire in 60/61 CE.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Buddhism
Reference page examines the Asian spiritual tradition of Buddhism starting with its origin through its expansion across Southern, Central, and East Asia. Includes key concepts, a timeline, and links to related content.
World History Encyclopedia
World History Encyclopedia: Burial
Illustrated encyclopedia entry provides a timeline and explanation of ancient burial rituals in Egypt, Greece, India, Rome, China, Scotland, and Ireland.