Quizlet: Use Benchmark Fractions to Evaluate Sums and Differences of Fractions
Students use benchmark fractions to evaluate sums and differences of fractions with games, matching activities, and study sets. Registration may be required to access some resources.
Quizlet: Author's Purpose 3rd Grade
Learn about author's purpose with these links to flashcards, a learning activity, a spelling activity, a test, a matching game, and a gravity game.
Quizlet: Flashcards: Figurative Language Level 1
Practice learning figurative language using these audio-enabled flashcards with literary terms and their definitions. Also provided is a list of terms and definitions (audio available) and links to games and a test. Java is required....
Quizlet: 7th Grade: Tennessee Academic: Social Studies Vocabulary: Flashcards
This set of interactive flashcards focuses on 16 social studies vocabulary terms and their definitions.
Quizlet: Making Inferences (Nonfiction)
Match five words and definitions about making inferences in nonfiction texts by racing against the clock in this learning game.
Quizlet: Making Inferences (Nonfiction)
Build your nonfiction inference vocabulary by interacting with terms like lesson, data, schema, sources, and more. Choose to view flashcards, complete learning and spelling exercises, take a test, or play a matching or gravity game.
Quizlet: Story Elements Test
Answer fill in the blank, multiple choice, and true/false questions about story elements in this ten-question assessment.
Quizlet: Story Elements Match
Match each story element with its example as you race against the clock in this online matching game.
Quizlet: Story Elements Learn
Learn about story elements by typing the correct story element term for each clue.
Quizlet: Story Elements Flashcards
Learn about story elements by clicking through ten flashcards including terms like beginning, character, setting, events, and more.
Quizlet: Text Structure (7Th Grade) Test
Answer five multiple choice questions defining different text structures including description, problem/solution, compare and contrast, cause and effect, and sequence.
Quizlet: Text Structure (7Th Grade) Match
Match each text structure term to its definition in this race against the clock.
Quizlet: Text Structure (7Th Grade) Learn
Type the term matching the definitions of five different text structures including description, problem/solution, compare and contrast, cause and effect, and sequence.
Quizlet:text Structure (7Th Grade) Flashcards
Quiz yourself on text structure terms and definitions with five online flashcards.
Quizlet: 6th Grade Vocabulary Test
Choose the correct definition for each vocabulary word in this six-question multiple choice quiz. Words include: analyze, compose, engage, relevant, implicit, and explicit.
Quizlet: 6th Grade Vocabulary Match
Match each vocabulary word with its definition as you race against the clock. Words include: analyze, compose, engage, relevant, implicit, and explicit.
Quizlet: 6th Grade Vocabulary Learn
Type the vocabulary word that matches each definition. Words include: analyze, compose, engage, relevant, implicit, and explicit.
Quizlet: 6th Grade Vocabulary Flashcards
Quiz yourself on these vocabulary words with six flashcards. Words include: analyze, compose, engage, relevant, implicit, and explicit.
Quizlet: 8th Grade Science: Vocabulary: Match
In this interactive game, students match science vocabulary words with their definitions. There are 151 science terms in this list, so the game can be played several times and have different words.
Quizlet: 8th Grade Science: Vocabulary: Learn
In this interactive exercise, students write in the science vocabulary words given the definitions. There are 151 science terms in this list.
Quizlet: 8th Grade Science: Vocabulary: Flashcards
This set of interactive flashcards focuses on 151 science vocabulary words and their definitions.
Quizlet: Middle School (8Th Grade Ela) Text Structures Test
A test with twenty matching, multiple choice, and true/false questions over text structure terms and definitions.
Quizlet: Middle School (8Th Grade Ela) Text Structures Match
Race against the clock to match twenty-five text structure terms and definitions.
Quizlet: Middle School (8Th Grade Ela) Text Structures Flashcards
Twenty-five flashcards with text structure terms and definitions.